~*Bruises and Cuts*~

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(I haven't read the manga yet, although I plan on it, so the order of events are following along the anime with other stuff added in!)


"Haha, Tsu isn't this great? Unforseen Simulation Joint!" I say, turning around to face Tsu.

"Yeah, ribbit." She beamed, as we walked towards the bus.

I think Tsu has a pretty smile. I thought everything about her was pretty. Although, sometimes she could be so distant. She would walk away without warning. Sometimes, even though I know it's not true, I think she hates me. Like, she was constantly hiding something from me, and I don't have the key yet, only clues and hints. 

I sit on the bus in a seat next to her, right across from Aoyama, and Ashido. we made small talk, but I was really excited, I was practically jumping out of my seat. 

"I think Bakugou always look angry, but feels other emotions, like um..." I said, feeling stuck.

Everybody laughed.

"Like maybe, passion...!" I said energetically, pumping my fists up and down.

"In that case, when would he feel passion?" Ashido questioned, looking at me.

"Uh, maybe when he's trying to kill Midoriya!" I said, thinking really hard.

"Or just when he's trying to beat everyone in general, ribbit." Tsu said, putting a finger to her chin.

"Yeah!" I smiled.

The rest of the bus ride was pretty casual, talking about each other, sort of making fun of one another. We did not talk about Bakugou the whole time, although that would've been pretty funny, since I bet my classmate, including I, could've said a lot about him.

"Wow!" I said stepping off the bus.

Everybody was in awe of this huge building, even me. I had never seen anything like it. We were all listening to Pro Hero, Thirteens speech, and suddenly we saw a huge blackish purple hole appear behind us. 

"Those are real villains!" Aizawa~sensei shouted.

"Where is All Might?" A man at the back of this group villains shouted.

I'm not sure what happened next, it was all a blur. Aizawa was fighting the villains, although there were a lot. Kirishima and Bakugou had tackled the warp gate thingy, Thirteen used their quirk against the villain, and WAIT WHY AM I FALLING THROUGH THE AIR?

I quickly see whats happening, and begin to fly. Todoroki is with me too, so I catch him as well. As we're landing, I notice how many villains there are. I look, and see that Todoroki is already fighting, so I go up a bit, and fight the villains in the back.

"L/N, watch out!" Todoroki shouts, as he sends out a lot of ice.

I go to fly upward, but my leg is being pulled down. I kick them down, but Todorokis ice had already come, and my leg was stuck. I desperately try to fly out, but can't.

"Todoroki, HELP!" I shout

I feel the ice melting where my leg is, but Todoroki isn't the one doing it. I look down and seen one of the villains melting the ice. I guess he had a heating type of quirk. The villain breaks a hole in the ice, but not enough for me to escape. I feel a searing pain in my legs, as I cry out for Todoroki to hurry. He melts the ice, and I fly upwards. I look down, and notice a huge burn mark on my legs. I tell Todoroki to grab my hand, so we can get away faster. He does, and I start to fly. As I'm about to fly away, I feel a sharp pain in my arm. I whip my head around, and see the villain had his arm freed. Todoroki froze the villain again, and I flew back to where most of the class is gathered. I see Thirteen is practically ripped in half.

"Hey, is everyone okay?" I say, beginning to feel a bit light headed.

"L/N you have a huge burn mark, and you have a knife in your arm!" Uraraka frantically shouts.

"Oh, we had a bit of a run in." I say calmly.

"A bit?" Toru says, worry in her voice.

"Yeah, oop-" I say just before passing out.

~ time skip to you by the gays of class 1-a ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ~

"Excuse me, WHY AM I IN A HOSPITAL BED?" I shout.

"She's awake!" I hear a doctor shout.

"WhO, dId sOmEbOdY gEt HuRt?" I said, not even realizing the cast wrapped around both my left arm, and right leg.

"You may go in." I hear the same doctor say.

"Um okay, rude. Why the heck do I look like a roblox avatar package?" I say, thoroughly confused.

Tsu walks in.

"Oh hey, so um why am I here?" I say.

"You really don't remember?" Tsu asks, raising an accusing eyebrow.

"Does this look like the face of someone who remembers, sis? I don't even know why I don't feel super fat right now." I say.

"Ok, so you came back stabbed in your arm, and a huge burn mark on you leg, and you suddenly passed out. All Might came and save us, badda bing, badda boom!" She says flatly to me.

"Wow, great details." I say sarcastically.

"You're hospitalized, and all you care about are the details to what happened in like ten minutes?" She said, raising suspicion.

"I mean I don't even know at this point, I'm kind of sus of myself now." I said, looking around at my surroundings.

"Ok, anyway, you should be discharged tomorrow, than I'll tell you all I know." Tsu said.

"Okay, now can you get me a bottle of blood, please?" I ask, giving puppy eyes.

"Who the heck even drinks blood?" Tsu says, giving me a weird look.

"Me, dur. I just told you." I say, putting on a dumb voice.

"Ugh, ok, whatever." Tsu says, pushing herself up, and walking away.

"Thank you! And good luck! By the way, I prefer AB+ if you could get that!" I shout as she begins walking away.

I look around, and find a bunch of little gifts from my classmates. I smile, as I look at each little name etched onto the tags.

"Thank you..." I whisper


1,015 words! I'm sorry that I don't post all that often. I loose motivation to easily. I did see a scary movie today though, haha! :) I think I just get myself caught up in random thing too easily. I am seeing the Dora movie soon, but as a joke. My mom and I want to make fun of it. Anyway, thanks for so many reads! If anybody wants to talk, I'm here! Thanks babes, xoxo.

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