Chapter 7 [plus a gift from author]

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Words: 1052

"He's so cute," Jungkook whispered, softly brushing Seokjinnie's hair. The Little hummed in his sleep, burrowing his head further in his chest.

"Hmm", Jimin hummed, looking up from where he sat on the floor, head resting on Jinnie's tummy, "Yeah, he's so cute. He was so cute today, God, I don't think I can forget this day."

They all chuckled softly, even Taehyung couldn't stop himself from basking in this calm atmosphere, thanks to their hyu- baby.

"Sad that he won't remember any of it," Hobi mourned, making himself comfortable in Namjoon's arms.

"Why won't he?" Taehyung questioned, looking down at an almost asleep Yoongi in his lap.

"He never remembers anything after he becomes Big," Yoongi said, eyes slowly opening, "He remembers feelings- joy, content, calmness and such- but he never remembers actual events."

"That's amnesia," Namjoon said, sitting up straighter, "It could be a symptom for something harmful."

"Yes, we know that... but..." Yoongi started, not sure if he should speak more, "It's only Seokjin hyung who forgets."

"What do you mean by that?" Jimin asked, really confused.

"Jinnie remembers. He remembers all of us. He... he has also once said that he feels what Seokjin feels."

Jungkook opened his mouth, before closing it again. He finally looked at Yoongi, frowning.

"But... wait, Jinnie and Seokjin are same, right?"

"We... don't know anymore," Hobi admitted, "Before we thought it was just a coping thing. You know, how we sometimes behave a bit silly and bratty when we're sick or sleep deprived? I thought it was like that. But... I'm not sure now. Hyung never remembers anything but Jinnie seems to know us all."

"We need to get a doctor, soon," Taehyung said, not liking what this conversation was implying.

"But you saw how he reacted to going to a therapist," Jungkook said, looking worriedly down at Jinnie, "I don't want to force him."

"But what got him to react that way?" Namjoon thought, "I understand he's scared, but he has gone through stuff before too, he never reacted this way before. He would be hesitant, held back by irrational fears, but he was never... scared of therapists."

"That got me thinking too," Yoongi said, sitting up, "That's why I contact Sejin hyung, wanted to ask him about Jin's old therapist. He didn't tell me anything important but... he looked like he was hiding something."

"Why didn't you tell me that?" Hobi asked, now sitting up too, "I could have helped."

"I know Hobi, but I wanted to do this alone. I don't think Sejin hyung would have told me anything if there were more people."

"But he still didn't tell you anything," Taehyung pointed out.

"Yes, but his silence told me something," Yoongi said, "Do you know why hyung stopped going to his therapist?"

"No," Jimin said, looking down in thought, "You know how he's with sharing his feelings, we never wanted to force him to say anything."

"Yes but did you notice... just after that, PD nim asked us not to go to our therapist for some time?"

"Yes they wanted to eva-" Namjoon paused, his mouth falling open, "they wanted to evaluate our therapists right after Jin hyung stopped going to his!"

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