Part 33 - Hen Weekend

Start from the beginning

Millie pulled off her black sun dress to reveal a bright orange tiny bikini, her tanned body looked perfect against the bright glow of the bikini.

"Woah! I'm not sitting by you!!" Joked Amber, Amber was very pale and felt very average compared to Millie. Amber had a lovely figure too but she was shorter then Millie, her platinum blonde hair cut to shoulder length with a sweeping fringe. She always felt like the ugly one when she was out with Millie. She knew Millie was going to get a lot of male attention this weekend, as she always did. Her gorgeous silky dark brown hair swished as she moved about laying out her towel and arranging her things around her sun-bed. Amber could already see a couple of men's heads turning as Millie bent over to her something out of her bag.

"Whit-ta-woooooo" someone whistled, Millie turned around

"Look at you!" Teased Ricco looking her up and down. He stood right in front of her wrapping his arms around her.

"This is better, stops the pervy old men from perving" he joked. Millie smiled struggling to get free from his grip. Adjusting her bikini top incase she was flashing after his bear hug! he sat down on the sun bed the other side of her. Taking his tshirt off to reveal an equally impressive body. They looked every bit the couple. Millie liked that. She hoped other men would assume she was with him and not bother her.

"Heyyyyyyy" shouted Aria across the pool as the rest of their group emerged from the hotel. They'd arrived on separate flight from various parts of the country.

She watched as Aria made her way across to where Millie was sat followed by Lexi, her mum, her auntie Cathy, Aria's soon to be sister in law Carly and her friends Rachel, Jessie and Jade.

Ricco pulled all of his hen weekend props out of his bag, desperate to annoy Aria with all the cheap hen tat she told him she didn't want.

He walked over to meet her, dropping a penis straw in the cocktail she was holding.

"RICCO!!" she blasted, hitting him in the arm. Ricco laughed and ran back to Millie standing behind her like a human shield.

"Hey I'm not going to help you!!" Laughed Millie

"Have at him Ari" she said stepping out the way. Aria lunged forward and threw the penis straw back at him.

"You're so boring!" He teased. I thought you'd love a good penis in your mouth!" He laughed

"RICCO! my mother is here!!" Laughed Aria. Their mum was covering her ears with her eyes closed. Millie laughed.

"Sorry Mrs Vine" he said, still laughing. He leaned in and put his arms around their mum apologetically.

Later that evening they hit the town. Millie hadn't been out in so long, she was desperate to get out and have a good time. She took a cab with Ricco, Amber and her little sister Lexi to the bar they were meeting in. Millie had already drank several shots with them in the hotel room and already felt drunk. She held onto Ricco's arm as she stumbled from the taxi to the bar.

"Water for you I think young lady" said Ricco as he sat her down on a stool at the bar. She was ok with that. She felt drunk enough, drunk wasn't a feeling she particularly liked. She liked to have a few drinks, to feel tipsy, it made her relax and have a little more confidence but beyond that she didn't like being drunk

"I love you!" She said sliding her hand up Ricco's shirt

"Heeeyy easy there tiger" he replied. Removing her hand.

"Let's not go there again!" He joked as he leaned over the bar to get the attention of a bar tender.

Ambers eyes widened like a deer in headlights

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