Wasn't Just A Kiss - Plance.

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The four walked, the two adults talking about work at the garrison and the children laughing as they walked ahead. They reached there little street with the small but homey houses and the children started running, still holding hands so they wont get lost. The adults grinned at their children before joining in the run .. they didnt mind the extra excise if its got to do with their children. 

"daddy" Violet screamed making the old paladins run even faster in worry for the children.

"what wrong" Keith yelled as he quickly picked his daughter up protectively and Pidge doing the same for her son.

"stranger" Galaxy said with worry and pointed to a tall, light tan, blue eye lover- boy in front of pidge door. 

"lance" Pidge whisper with shock as she looked to the old blue/red paladin standing by her green front door.

"been awhile why didnt you guys tell me your both neighbours" Lance replied with a goofy grin.

"you idiot .. you scared the children" Keith hissed before kissing his daughter cheek and putting her back down.

"children .. wow they not babies" Lance said with shock since the other paladins only really met Galaxy and Violet when they first born. Since then they only seen the photos keith or pidge sent to them all. 

"well it has been six years since your seen them both" Pidge smiled and kissed her son cheek before placing him down. 

"wow six years .. that long" Lance frowned.

"so this is the idiot paladin" Violet said with a smirk as she looked lance up as he walked over to the small group.

"nice to meet you" Lance smiled.

"wow .. you got stuck in space with this idiot .. poor mummy" Galaxy sighed while keith and pidge chuckled and lance pouted.

"he your son alright and she your daughter alright" Lance frowned before grinning again. 

"so what brings you back to earth .. what happened to Altea" Keith asked as he unlocked his house letting the children run in and head to violet room to play. Pidge and lance walking after keith and heading to the front room why keith made drinks.

"well coran mostly looks after Altea now and i wanted to visit my friends" Lance smiled.

"well its nice see you again but please dont panic our children next time" Pidge smiled. 

"yeah sorry about that ... dont tell your husband" Lance chuckled and Pidge frowned as keith awkwardly couched. 

"drinks" Keith mumbled and everyone picked up their cuppas. 

"thanks" Lance smiled and keith nodded. 

"lance, I'm not married .. I'm not seeing anyone" Pidge replied since everyone knew she was a single mother well everyone but lance it seems.

"oh but what happened to Galaxy dad" Lance asked with a smile.

"he a right idiot who got wasted and played with a girl who confessed to him then the next morning forgot everything" Keith grumbled back. 

"keith" Pidge growled and Keith sighed. 

"a one night stand .. no way" Lance said surprised since he didnt think pidge would fall for those.

"yeah but i dont mind, Galaxy is perfect to me and i wouldn't change my past" Pidge smiled sweetly.

"he one lucky little boy to have such a perfect mother" Lance smiled. 

"lance can i ask you something" keith asked.

"sure go ahead" Lance grinned and turned to keith.

"so if you got wasted as a meet up just over six years ago and slept with a girl who finally confessed to you but then forgot everything that happened that night and left for another planet. Then the said girl found out she was pregant but kept the child a secret from him saying it was an old boyfriend .. would you want to know if its your child" Keith asked and Pidge face planted into the back of the sofa by keith obvious attempt on telling lance he was Galaxy father. 

Yes Lance is Galaxy father and he was made just like Keith was telling lance.

Lance came for a visit and the two went to a pub, he drank more then her and she confessed to him. She loved him since the garrison and needed to tell him. Lance kissed her telling her he loved her too and that he never leave her side again. She filled with joy and drank a little more until they both became wasted and took things home.

He woke up remembering nothing and left back for Altea leaving pidge heart broken and soon to find out she was pregant. 

She went to tell lance but in the end didnt when he told her he found someone he wanted to spend all his days with. 

Pidge kept the face that she was carrying his son to herself and told the team it was another guy. Keith, shiro and matt not being idiots knew it was lance child as soon as they saw Galaxy eyes. They got the truth out of Katie but promised to keep it hidden as well. 

"i guess i would want to know if i had a child or not but why" lance asked with worry.

"Galaxy is your son" Pidge replied with a small gentle smile.

"how" Lance asked shocked. 

"remember that night you came and we went to the pub to hang" Pidge sighed.

"but it was only a kiss" Lance replied and keith bit his lip to stop himself from yelling at the guy.

"it wasn't just a kiss" Pidge shyly smiled as she watched lance eye widen. 

"wasn't just a kiss .. then it wasn't just a dream" Lance mumbled.

"wasn't just a kiss" Pidge smiled sweetly. 

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