5. The first cards

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It was late in the afternoon.

The streets of London seemed deserted as I walked down them. No one besides myself and the birds of the air seemed to be around the area.

I guess it wasn't too surprising. Lunch hour was over long ago and it was still a while till the end of the day.

I let Spinel fly beside me as we continued our journey down the streets, searching for something to do.

"Master, what's that shop selling?" Spinel asked once more.

I couldn't help but smile. That cat sure was curious. I guess he had all rights to be, however. Especially since he practically appeared here out of nowhere.

I turned my head around to be greeted with the words 'Mrs Kibble's Olde Sweet Shoppe'. Walking closer to the sweet shop, I looked through the window to find a variety of sweets. From sugar mice to Wilko Mints, the sweet shop seemed to be short on nothing when it came to those tasty treats.

"This shop sells sweets." I answered Spinel's question. "They are delicious treats that live up to their name. I would get one, but I'm afraid that we would use up the money I've got too quickly." I remembered my sudden craving for sweets just a day ago.

Great, now I'm really craving for some candy...

"Too bad. I would like to try one." Spinel looked through the window himself, seemingly mesmerized by the various shapes and colors of the different sweets.

"Me too." I answered, suddenly feeling a warmth from inside of me. I gasped as I started glowing, wondering what was wrong with myself.

"Master!" Spinel called out to me. However, his voice seemed distant as the light around me grew brighter. Soon, I couldn't see anything but the white light surrounding me. Panicking, I closed my eyes tightly, not wanting to get blinded by its glow. I breathed deeply, hearing nothing but the sound of my racing heart. The light subsided soon enough, the warmth dying down together with it as soon as I managed to get my emotions under control.


I slowly opened one eye, looking around at my surroundings. Seeing that the light was really gone, I opened my other eye as well, looking around in a daze.

"What happened?" I asked an equally confused Spinel.

"I don't know master. But I have a feeling that you were the one that created those two cards in your hand."

"Cards?" I blinked, bringing my hand to eye level. To my surprise, there really were two cards in my hand. I took a closer look at them, reading the fine print at the bottom of the cards.

"The longing and the worry?" I continued staring at the two cards, confused.

"It looks as though you've used magic." Spinel flew over to observe the two cards.

"Magic... I've magic..."

I thought about it for a moment. It made sense. Especially since Spinel and the key I've got both appeared out of nowhere. Now that I think of it, they most likely appeared due to my own, unknown powers. Deciding that this was definitely a special occasion, I concluded that it was only right for me to buy a treat from the sweet stall in the end. Well, it was a reason to celebrate after all.

"I think I'll get a sweet after all Spinel. We could share it between ourselves." I opened the zip of my bag, allowing the black cat to fly in.

"Why the sudden change?" He asked as he flew into the bag, peeping his head out slightly.

"Because it's a special occasion." I smiled, seeing Spinel's head retreat back into my bag. After zipping it up and swinging it back onto my shoulder, I entered the sweet shop.

I looked around in awe at the large selection of sweets. It seemed even more colorful than the exterior of the shop. Many different jars of sweets sat on the shelves quietly. Each one was filled with its own different type of sugary joy. The variety of different shapes, colors and sizes made me slightly dizzy just looking at them as I wondered which one to get. Looking around, I could already spot a few gumdrops, chocolate limes and even cream sugar crystals in the mix of treats.

"What could I get for you young man?" I turned around to see the jolly shop owner refilling a few of the jars with the sugar mice I had seen earlier.

Spotting a couple of rock candies near the shop owner, I decided to pick one up for myself.

"How much for one rock?" I asked, pointing at the jar filled with the long pieces of candy.

"98 pence a piece." He answered. Picking one out of its jar.

"I'll take one." I answered, counting out the money and giving it in exchange for the sweet.

"Thanks!" I called out to the shop owner as I left the shop, waving to him slightly.

"So that's a sweet." A blur of dark blue flew in front of me as I exited the shop, making me jump in surprise.

"Spinel! You scared me!" I complained, breaking the treat in half and giving one part of the candy to him. I watched as Spinel licked the treat slowly, seemingly judging how it tasted.

"It's good!" Spinel flapped his wings happily, taking a few more bites from his treat.

Suddenly, something within Spinel seemed to snap.

"It's too good..." Spinel moaned, suddenly finishing the sweet whole and starting a happy jig.

"Sweets are good! Sweets are good!"

Alarm rushed through me. Something seemed to be wrong with Spinel. Even though he had tremendously enjoyed the toast that we had shared for breakfast, he didn't go nearly as crazy as this.

Could he be having a sugar rush?

"Spinel? Are you alright?" I asked the cat, only to be ignored as he continued his little dance.

"Sweets are good! Sweets are good! NEED MORE!" He rushed towards me, making me back away in alarm. As I shielded my face from his sudden attack, I felt a rush of wind, making my blue hair fly backwards slightly. When I next looked at my hand. I found my half of the rock candy missing. Instinctively looking upwards, I was just in time to see Spinel gulping down my half in one big bite.

"Need more!" He shot a red beam of power upwards. Making more and more alarm rush through me by the second. Luckily, the intense beam spared everything in its wake, having been shot straight towards the sky. Uneasiness aroused in me as Spinel flew at rocket speed towards the door of the sweet shop.

Instinctively, my hand reached out and grabbed him.

Just in time.

"Need more!" He struggled to wiggle free from my grasp. I tightened my hold on him in response, trying my best to pull him away from the shop.

For such a little creature, he sure held a tremendous amount of power.

"Spinel! What's gotten into you?" I pulled harder, realizing that he was nearly dragging me along with him.

If only I had more strength.

I felt tingles of energy, no. Magic. Rushing up my body at that request.

Filled with the newfound energy, I was able to yank Spinel towards myself, his struggling growing more vigorous at the potential loss of his treats.

I didn't give in, holding on even tighter. Soon enough, his struggling grew weaker and weaker until he was finally fast asleep in my arms.

Letting out a sigh of relief, I looked up to see a shimmering mess of magic. The silvery light slowly shaped itself into a card, the energy materializing in front of me. Grabbing the card as it floated down, I read the words on it.


Smiling a little, I pocketed the card. Continuing my walk down the empty streets with a sleeping Spinel in my hands.

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