1. The little boy

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(First person point of view)

Yue, Kerberos, and the Clow Cards are beings that I have created with all of my power and heart.

That is why.

I want them to spend their time happily under a new master after I pass away.

That is my last wish.

A Wish? What wish?

I blinked open my eyes slowly, grabbing my glasses from the small table behind me and putting them on. A few seconds later, I slowly started to make out the blurry blobs of colors around me.

Blinking my eyes a few more times, the sight of my surroundings sharpened, allowing me to see where I was.

As usual, the old grandfather's clock stood at a corner of the room, it's pendant swinging slowly from side to side. On another wall of the room was a study table and the chair that came with it. An old fashioned lamp sat quietly at the side of the table. Beside the lamp was a pile of drawings. On them laid a pencil, one that seemed to be dangerously near the edge of the table, threatening to fall down at any given second.

I stretched a little and sat up, realizing that I was in my bed.

The wish, whatever it was, had been just a dream.

Pushing the blanket off myself in one swift motion, I yawned slightly. Vaguely hearing the chimes of the Big Ben in the distance. The grandfather's clock in my room decided to join in the chorus, chiming alongside the old clock.

I looked up at the antique, realizing that it was already nine o'clock.

"It's nine o'clock already? Why didn't anyone wake me up?"

Frantically jumping off the bed, I rushed in the direction of the bathroom, combing my bluish-black hair and brushing my teeth within two minutes flat. When I was finally satisfied, I ran down the stairs into the dining room, sitting down to a typical English breakfast.

"Mom? Why didn't you or dad wake me up? I'm sorry for oversleeping so much..."

I bowed my head a little, looking towards my mother. Her gold-brown hair had been tied into a bun, and she looked as beautiful as ever with the purple dress she was wearing.

"Eriol, do you know what day it is today?" She gave me a warm smile. Her beautiful eyes twinkling with what I inferred as excitement.

I thought about it for a moment.

Well, it was nowhere near Christmas and I do not think that it is mom's anniversary either. New year was months ago...

I shook my head slowly, still pondering the question.

"It's your birthday of course!" She bent down slightly, producing a small parcel that I haven't seen earlier alongside a single card. Excitement rushed through my veins as I remembered the date, realizing that it was indeed my special day.

"Thanks mom!" I opened up the gift slowly to be greeted with a round piece of metal. Mother must have noticed my puzzled look as she explained more about the gift.

"It's a pocket watch." She reached out her hands, gently taking hold of the piece of metal and showing me how it worked. I looked at her in awe as she returned me the gift after her demonstration.

I rubbed the shiny surface of the little watch, placing it in my pocket and taking a look at the card I had been given.

It was a tradition for my parents to give me a random gift and a birthday card every year. I would only get one card every year, especially since my parents no longer had any connections with their respective families. As such, I treasured every card that they gave me, keeping them all in a large brown envelope that sat among the books on a bookshelf in my room.

I had seven of them in total, this being my seventh birthday.

"When is Ms Fernsby coming by?" I asked my mother as I started on my breakfast, slicing the bacon in half.

"She's not coming by today. You've the day off. I'm just glad that I managed to convince your father to give you one."


"Is he coming down to wish my a happy birthday?" I asked eagerly, feeling a sinking feeling as my mother sighed slightly. I could already guess her answer as I looked down slightly, hearing the words that my mother had repeated nearly every special day.

"You know that your father is busy. He has tons of work to do. Perhaps you would see him another day."

I sighed, a feeling contradictory to the occasion.

"I understand..." I mumbled sadly before finishing up my breakfast and running back up to my room.

I cleared my study table, leaning my head on it while I pondered about my father.

Why was he so closed to others?

Why does there seem to be a wall between us?

I guess I should be glad that I've gotten the day off... still, I was hoping that father would wish me a happy birthday.

Sometimes, I felt as though I didn't belong in this family. Looking through old paintings and photos, I had found out that my father had black hair, his eye color matching that of his hair.

Mum has golden-brown hair, father has hair the color of night.

I had blueish-black hair.

None of the old paintings that I had seen had any other relatives, making me wonder at times where I had gotten my unique hair color.

Perhaps I would never know.

I sighed once more, subconsciously lifting up a pencil and drawing a picture. Letting my imagination do the work, I drew a little cat with untrusting eyes, giving its tail a little twist. Still having a feeling that the drawing was missing something, I decided to take a break and looked out of my window to find some inspiration. Just then, I saw a blue butterfly flying past my window. After giving it some thought, I gave the cat a simplified version of the butterfly's wings.

Finally satisfied, I grabbed a few nearby color pencils and colored the cat-like creature mainly a dark blue, coloring its wings and eyes a lighter shade of blue instead. Giving the drawing a few final touches, I looked down at the completed piece of work, wondering yet again why I had drawn it in the first place.

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