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"No matter how many coins you toss into the fountain or how many fingers you cross. If it's not meant to be, it wont happen...

You carry the heavens in your eyes. You and Atlas are one and the same. Cursed to carry a weight you cannot bare... All for her."

I would've ended wars singlehandedly, brought false gods to their knees, dragged them from their heavens down to the sand. But still my greatest victory would be sparking her smile.

People see the flames and the drowning tides. And think she's strong. They think she's powerful. But really... She tends to burn herself down. I'd hold her in my arms gently. She has been cracked enough as it is. And her heart is more shattered than she lets on.

If I am Atlas I choose to hold her. I choose to hold the stars. He wasn't given a choice... but I was.
I choose to break my back holding her skies in my palms...

- I'd make peace with her broken pieces. // ~ Hail

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