Love Is Terror

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Dear Younger Self

You probably thought you were going to be immortal...
But remember the Earth is littered with the ruins of empires that believed they were eternal.

Perhaps it's that feeling you first got when you opened your eyes, cradled in your mothers arms thinking you were going to feel it forever. The lesson I learnt is that it's merely emotion. The kind that leaves you empty, when you have too much of it, or not enough.

Yes it drives some people to plant trees and others to hang themselves off of it. The wisdom is knowing balance, when you feel it, just let it be, get lost in it. And when you don't have it, don't go looking for it in the wrong places. I know its painful but you will come to know it always ends that way...


You will come to know sadness...

- You will come to know love. // ~ hail

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