The Next Step and Moving Forward

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You wanted it, I wrote it. Volume 4 is here now. I may have rushed over a lot of stuff in this chapter, which I will hopefully fix before I post the next chapter next week. Schools been a huge pain when it comes to homework, but I will do my best to try and find time to write and post. So, enjoy volume 4!

(POV 3rd)

A pool of darkness gains a lump. The lump rises and a creature walks out. It is a creature of grimm, but this one is different. It has the skin texture and other physical features of a grimm, but it looks human. It grabs its head and it lets out a god awful scream. It continues to scream until it's skin color starts to change. From a pitch black tone to a lighter color with red lines all over. It stands up and takes a few steps before losing it's balance and falling over. The non human limps over toward a nearby structure. It looks into a window at it's own reflection and feels it's face. Meanwhile, a discussion is being held with people of... questionable intent.

Watts: Yes, yes, please keep your... posse in check.

Mercury growls and takes a step, but Emerald holds him back. Cinder lets out a grunt.

Watts: You hear that? Silent. I have half the mind to thank the little girl who bested you.

Tyrian: If I were you, I'd hunt her down, find her, and... well, she took your eye. Didn't she?

He chuckles and then it evolves into a maniacal laughter.

Cinder tries to speak but nothing more than a breath escapes her mouth. She whispers to Emerald.

Watts: Pathetic. Why did you even-

The door opens and they all stand. Salem walks in. Following her is the humanoid figure in the form of Bryan Green, wearing a cloak. Mercury and Emerald stare at him, shocked. Mainly because last they saw him, his eye was gouged out and his skin resembled that of a grimm. She walks to the end of the room and speaks.

Salem: Watts, (Turns around) You find such mulliganance necessary?

She waves her hand and they all sit down.

Watts: I apologize ma'am. I'm not particularly fond of failure. May I ask who is this?

Salem turns to Bryan and nods. Signaling his permission to speak.

Bryan: I am... was... or at least hold some memories of a person called Bryan Green. I'm looking for my friend Olivia. Your mistress said she could help me.

Salem: And if you follow my instruction and devote your life to serving me, you will find her. Watts, I see no reason for your cruelty towards young Cinder. She's become our fall Maiden, destroyed Beacon tower, and most importantly, killed dear Ozpin. So I'm curious. To what failures are you referring?

Watts: She attempted to kill an important possible asset to our plan and on top of that, she failed. The boy lives. And, the girl with the silver eyes.

Hazel: We've dealt with her kind before. But not the other kid. He's... a special case. Briefly trained by another one of our enemies. Qrow. How is it a couple of novices were able to best one of us?

Watts: My thoughts exactly. Even without her new power, it should have been effortless. The boy possesses no special ability of any kind besides his semblance.

Salem: It is because of her new power. Make no mistake, Cinder. You hold the key to our victory. But your newfound strength brings with it a crippling weakness. Which is why you will remain by my side as we continue your treatment. Dr. Watts, You are to take Cinder's place, and meet with our informant in Mistral.

Watts: Very good.

Salem: Tyrian, I want you to continue your hunt for the spring maiden.

Tyrian: (Chuckles) Gladly.

A Rose and That One Guy (Ruby Rose X Male Reader) Volume 4Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant