Amora nodded, it seemed easy enough but she knew Epiales was strict with pack alliances, her old Alpha had sent in over 10 requests in his time reigning and each one was denied.

"Soon we will go over your duty within the pack hospital," Henry informed her, his voice gruff.

She nodded slowly, she had never been a fan of hospitals, all the blood and ill patients made her feel dismal.

"Henry," she called, stopping him as he was half out the door, "do you think Epiales wants a mate?"

He turned to look at her, clear shock written on his face, he didn't know the answer, Epiales never spoke to anyone about anything personal, he was strictly all about pack business, "I- I am not sure Luna, he has never mentioned it before."

"What is this? There is no time to socialize, Henry please return to your duties," Epiales said as he appeared at Amora's office door.

Henry nodded and scampered off, his heart beating out of his chest.

"You do not engage with my Beta about my personal matters, is that understood?" Epiales hissed lowly, taking a menacing step towards Amora.

"I was- I was just wondering, because you seem to hate me and I thought you would surely have thrown me out of your pack if you didn't want a mate."

"Make no mistake, I do not care for a relationship, you are simply here because without a Luna this pack will fall, I am choosing to ignore the mate bond and I suggest you do too."

Amora bit her lip tightly, willing for her tears to disappear. This is not how it is meant to be. She was meant to meet her mate and they'd instantly take liking to each other and he'd whisk her off to his pack, cherish her and make her forget about all the horrible things in her life.

She faintly nodded and looked down at her desk, pretending to be interested in all the paperwork laying there.

Without another word, Epiales left the office and shut the door behind him. Cursing his wolf for all the pain he was feeling.

At the end of the day Amora did as she was told and she dropped off all the requests that she believed were beneficial to the pack on Epiales' office desk and without looking at him she ran off to her bedroom.

She threw herself on the feathery mattress and cried into her pillow. She didn't want a mate like Epiales, all she wanted was someone who would love her.

He brought her every meal, he checked in on how her work was coming along yet he didn't care about her. She didn't understand.

Before she knew it, it was 10pm and it was time for the pack supper that Henry informed her about.

She flattened out her dress, brushed her hair and wiped away her tears before heading down the long stairs to the dining area.

Quiet chatter was heard as she walked into the large room, all the children were fast asleep and the adults were socialising among themselves.

"Good evening Luna," an older woman greeted her, shaking her hand formally.

"Good evening," Amora murmured, releasing a shaky breath as she took in just how many pack members were in the Silverlake pack, and she had become responsible for all of them in just a matter of hours.

She couldn't comprehend how one minute she was dancing in a barn, hiding away from her Alpha, to suddenly being Luna in one of the largest packs in England.

She sat down gingerly and was immediately given a cup of tea, "thank you."

"Oh it is my honour Luna Amora," an elderly man smiled, making his way around the table to sit beside another man. He leaned over to kiss him on the cheek and grabbed his hand in his own. Amora immediately knew they were mates, the werewolf community took mates very seriously, the Moon Goddess made no mistakes. None. Every mate pairing was deliberate, both people being perfect for each other, you couldn't find anyone better suited for you but Amora was starting to think otherwise.

Alpha EpialesWhere stories live. Discover now