How You Meet: Axis

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     Like a zombie, you stumbled aimlessly till you found yourself in a park. You looked around, your vision getting hazy, and spotted a nice bench under a big tree with no occupants. In a slow stumble, you redirected your body to the seemingly miles away shaded bench. Your arms hung like weights from your hunched form as your knees began to bend from exhaustion. Still, you pushed yourself to try and reach the spot you so desired. However, your body had other plans and your legs finally gave out from under you. You fell to your knees and then the rest of your body fell forward. The heat from the sidewalk burned your body as you helplessly lay there, unable to move.

     Your heart thundered in your chest, it's pace quickening as your breaths became more shallow and labored. You began to feel dizzy again even though you were laying down and your head began pounding with an extremely painful migraine. Nausea began to wrack through your body when you felt someone grab your shoulders and lift you. You felt the contents of your stomach rise in your throat as the person began talking to you and you had just a couple seconds to react. Luckily you managed to turn your head pretty far away and when they were in the middle of saying something you vomited. You fell limply into the person's chest as your vision became black and the last thing you saw was a man with slicked-back blonde hair and striking blue eyes saying one last thing.

~Ludwigs P.O.V~

     I was jogging ahead of my friends Italy and Japan as Italy repeated the word "tired" and dragged his feet behind Japan who was slowly jogging behind me. We made it to the park and, as I jogged, I saw a girl with (h/c) hair stumbling towards a bench before she collapsed on the sidewalk path. Slightly panicked on what I should do I ran the rest of the way up to her and lifted her by the shoulders. "Hey! Mädchen! Are jou alright!" I asked looking her over and examining her state. Her face was flushed red and her breathing was quick and shallow. I put a hand on her head and quickly drew my hand back. She slowly started turning her head to the side as I continued talking to her, "Mein Gott, Frau! Jou're burning up! Are jou si-" before I could finish she vomited on the ground next to her and then fell into my chest. Her half-lidded (e/c) eyes, hazy and unfocused, glanced up at me before shutting completely while I tried getting one more word out to the (brunette, Blackett, blonde, redhead, etc).


        🇯🇵Japan~Kiku Honda

     "Come ON (y/n)! You're just gonna try one on!" (f/n) said as she dragged you to a kimono rental store. You stumbled on your words just as much as you were stumbling on your feet as you tripped over yourself trying to get away from her. Alas, her grip was like an iron alligators jaw on the back of your shirt. You walked into the small store getting a 'Yōkoso' (welcome) from the lady at the counter. She asked your friend what she needed help with and your so-called friend explained the "situation" to the lady. Keep in mind this was all in Japanese so you had no CLUE what EITHER of them was saying. Your friend was so excited about the college graduate trip to Japan that she had learned Japanese. So there you stood, like a true foreigner as your friend was, most likely, setting you up for some sort of embarrassment. The two laughed about something and the lady had a mischevious smirk on her face as your friend said something else also with a mischevious smirk.

     Ok. Now you were scared. The lady said something to your friend who quickly grabbed your hand dragged you to the back behind a rack of fabric and undressed you, then and there, so quickly you couldn't comprehend what was happening. The lady came to where you were and started draping different colored fabrics over you before muttering a quick thing in Japanese and throwing them back. Repeat the cycle a couple of times and the lady finally squealed in happiness handing a lump of what you assumed was what would make up your kimono

     Your friend shoved you into a room and begin putting the kimono on you. "W-Wait! D-Do you e-even know w-what you're d-doing?" You stuttered feeling like she was putting the kimono on completely wrong. She said nothing as she finished and dragged back out of the room and out of the shop. This doesn't mean you didn't catch the counter lady's gasp of shock and look of pity and awkward look of Should I say something?. Yep. (F/n) put it on COMPLETELY wrong. Once outside she let go of your hand, trying to contain her giggles but failing miserably, as she went back inside to pay and left you there. You were so shocked it took your mind a while to process it all. 

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