How You Meet: Axis

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      🇮🇹Italy~Feliciano Vargas

      Tears flowed from your (e/c) eyes, that were now red and puffy, as you walked through the park. 'God Damn it! I'm such an idiot! I should have known he was cheating on me! I suck at this dating thing... Might as well just stop and be alone forever!'  you thought to herself as you cried. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" You heard a loud yell and glanced up, but was shocked to see someone a few inches away glomp you, causing the both of you to fall to the ground. Your mind barely had a moment to process what had happened when the person got up, hands on either side of your head. "Ah! Ciao Bella!~ I'm-a so sorry I-a ran into you-a like that! Ger-Ludwig was-a trying to make-a me train with-a him! So I-a ran- Bella are you okay?" The man stopped his rant when he noticed your tear-stained face and puffy eyes. "W-What?" You stuttered, still very confused. The man blushed a little noticing the position you guys were in and got up, offering his hand to you, which you hesitantly took, and he helped you up.

     "Were you-a crying, Bella?" His face suddenly became one of panic and he pulled you into a bone-crushing hug,  "Oh-a No! Did I-a hurt you-a! Oh-a No! I'm-a so sorry-a Bella!!! Pease I-a don't want-a Bella to-a DIIIIEEEEEEE!!!" You giggled a bit at his actions and then sniffled. "Don't worry I'm not hurt, I've been crying for a while now..." You said looking away from the brown-haired Italian. "Oh? Do-a you want to-a talk about it-a Bella?" He asked leading you to a close-by bench and sitting down. You sat down next to him, "It's pretty stupid now that I think about it..." you said looking down at the ground. "It's-a not stupid if it-a is making you-a cry!" he said leaning down a bit to get a look at your face, now hiding behind your hair as it fell in front and shielded your face. "Well... it turns out my boyfriend has been cheating on me for the past 3 months and when I asked him why he said it was because I wasn't good enough for him..." You said a couple more tears falling. You roughly wiped them away and sniffled, "Why does this always happen to me... whenever I'm in a relationship I always end up being cheated on or dumped for some other girl... Is there something wrong with me?" You said beginning to cry at that last statement.

      The Italian quickly pulled you into a hug, much gentler than his previous one, and began to comfort you. "No don't-a say that Bella! It's-a not your fault-a that they were-a stupido abbastanza (stupid enough) to-a leave a Bella ragazza like-a you! How about I-a take you out-a for Pasta some-a time! Pasta will-a make everything-a better! It'll also-a be my-a apology for-a running into you-a like that-a!" he said before pulling away and cupping your cheek so you would be looking at him. You sniffled wiping your eyes again and nodded, "Sure, I'd like that..." you said, offering a small smile which he gladly returned

     "ITALLLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY" An angry voice yelled and you saw someone off in the distance running towards you two. The Italian quickly whipped out a pen and piece of paper and, using your leg as a writing surface, scribbled something down before handing it to you. "I-a have to-a go, Bella, make sure to-a give me a call-a later!" He said and then, in a blink of an eye, was running as if his life depended on it. And by the angry look of the man chasing after him, it probably did. Looking down at the paper in your hands you saw the number written out on it with a name written below it. And for the first time, you let yourself smile. A real smile.

XXX-XXX-XXXX                                                                                                                                                                     Feliciano~<3 

🇩🇪Germany~Ludwig Beilschmidt

      You panted as you weakly stumbled down the street, you had been out for at least an hour now. No, you weren't being chased by a crazy person and no you didn't have to run for this long or far. However, you were pushing yourself to work out more so you could be strong enough to protect yourself. This led you to make a ridiculous goal of running all around town, but now you were regretting your decision because you were now hopelessly lost and had run out of water. For the whipped cream on top of your sundae of misery, you had no money on you. Two guys walked past you and you overheard their conversation, "Man is it hot out here!" one of them said using his shirt as a fan, "Yeah, it's supposed to be the hottest day of the year!" the other said opening the door to an ice cream parlor as they headed inside. Very irritated with a bit of confusion mixed in you groaned, what a bitter cherry...

Another Hetalia boyfriend scenariosजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें