Chapter 4: Bonding Time With Nii Sans Part 2

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Third person P.O.V

Today was like any other day in the Sakamaki mansion, everything was quiet and almost everyone was asleep, except for the little Kuran/Sakamaki princess. She had three hours till her adoptive brothers woke up, since she was still a child, she slept during the day but awoke at noon. Being the curious little princess that she is, she went exploring in the huge mansion. Since Juri and Haruka Sama never let her leave her room, she was so flabbergast while looking at the dinning room, music room, ballroom, and finally she made it to the library. The little princess loved to read and so she ran down the halls of many shelves, each containing valuable information and treasurable stories. Her eyes sparkled as she looked at all the books on the walls. Rosemary ran up to one of the shelves and pulled out a book." The Dancing Princess." Rosemary said the book's title in curiosity and she ran to a nearby couch, clutching the book under her arm. She sat on the couch and began reading the story all by herself.

When Rosemary was finished reading she got off the couch and placed the book back, and she browsed for another book. She picked up the story 'Alice In Wonder Land' and as she was walking back to the couch with a smile on her face, but a voice made her stop in her tracks," Rose, what are you doing here so early?" Said girl turned around and smiled at her older brother Reiji.

" I was reading books, Nii San!" Rosemary said while holding out the book in her hands to Reiji. Reiji smiled slightly and his eyes softened upon seeing his little sister/mates happiness. He picked up the book and looked at Rosemary in question. Rosemary flushed a light pink and started twiddling with her thumbs." Rei Nii San, can you read the story to me?" Rosemary asked as she looked up at Reiji with her doe like eyes. Reiji sighed, but smiled and he scoped up Rosemary in his arms and walked to the couch. He placed his sister on his lap as he began reading to her. As the book came to an end, Rosemary fell asleep, so Reiji carried her to her room and tucked her in, and kisses her cheek before leaving her room, shutting the door on his way out.

Two hours later and Rosemary awoke with the rest of her brothers. Rosemary stretched and climbed out of bed, running down the halls and coming into the music room. Rosemary went to the piano and began playing with the notes. She giggled as she reached the low note, and a chuckling sounded after. She looked up and smiled at Shu. Shu smirked at his little sister's attempts to play the piano." Are you trying to play the piano?" Shu asked amusement clear in his voice.

Rosemary nodded fervently while looking up at her older brother with a smile," Yes! I wanna be as good as Su Nii and Ito Nii San!" Rosemary said, referring to Shu and Laito. Shu smiled and ruffled his sister's hair lovingly.

Shu sat on the piano bench and placed Rosemary on his lap." I'll teach you how to play. If you want?" Rosemary nodded and carefully watched as her brother was playing the piano and when he was done, she copied his movements and when she was done Shu would go over the notes with her and by thirty minuets, Rosemary was already advanced on the piano. Rosemary was so excited, she started jumping up and down and she hugged her brothers neck.

" Thank you Su Nii! I want to play for all my Nii Sans!" Rosemary said as she got off of Shu's lap. She ran to the door, but stop to turn to Shu with her hands on her hips." Don't leave, or go to sleep! I'mma be right back!" With that she went sprinting to find the rest of her brothers. Reiji was in his lab, Laito was with Ayato in the game room, Kana to was eating cake with Teddy, and Subaru was in the garden. She grabbed their hands and dragged them to the music room.

" Why are you taking us to the music room Rosemary?" Subaru asked in curiosity as he was being being hauled by the little girl, as well as his brothers.

" Angel Chan, you're pretty strong." Laito said as he blushed from the pain.

" Hiroko Chan, Oresama demands to be let go!" Ayato yelled as his siblings rolled their eyes.

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