If Aizawa Was A Mom

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Alice and Kaito started laughing histericly

"What is it?" Shoji asked

"Just *wheeze* watch it!" Alice answered wheezing

The Multiverse started with Aizawa who was a woman there, sleeping with a plate in one hand and other plates around her

"Why does she have a plate?" Midoriya asked

"Oh, you'll see" Kaito said giggling

She suddenly jolted up and looked at the plate in her hand


"WE'RE FUCKING LATE FOR SCHOOL!!!" She continued screaming while running across the room where Tsuyu and Sero were talking

They looked at her like this had happened before and just ignored it

Many of them if not everyone bursts out laughing

"Oh God!" Natsu held his stomach

"Shoto, go grab your brother!" She yelled while putting the plate back

Shoto and Izuku who were with her there looked at her

Shoto then grabbed Izuku's ass and smirked making him blush and squeak

"No, not by that!" Aizawa exclaimed

Shoto and Izuku started blushing madly while the others laughed more

"No, there is no time for cereal! Here, we're doing granola bars!" She yelled as she grabbed the cereal out of Mina's hand and handed her a granola bar

"No, no we don't have time for granola bars! Fuck it! We'll just have to do breakfast at lunch and move lunch to dinner!" She yelled grabbing the granola bar out of Mina's hand leaving her confused

Everyone was dying of laughter at this point

"Oh my God" Shigaraki laughed

"Everyone grab a coffee! Cuz' dinner is happening at 3.00 in the morning!!!" She said throwing cups of coffee at them

"Why is my life like this?" Aizawa asked

Everyone was practically crying and dying

"GET YOUR ASS UP! YOU LAZY SON OF A BITCH!!!" She yelled throwing Mineta off his bed

"YOU'RE CHANGING YOUR OWN DIAPER!!!" She yelled at him

Everyone was laughing even harder now

"He's treated like a baby!" Toga yelled through her laughs

Mineta pouted and groaned in protest

"No, you can't have milk on Taco Tuesday!" She exclaimed grabbing the milk from Kirishima's hand

The Multiverse Of Izuku Midoriya [DISCONTINUED]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora