Villain AU [Part 2] + Traitor AU

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[Sooo, following my AU...This is an Aizawa Afton AU.. I hope you all son't mind this since this was basically my AU from the start..So, yeah I really hope you don't mind..]

"Here's part 2 of the Villain AU.." Avelyn sighs. Everyone followed, sighing deeply as they returned to their seats. "Oh and Aizawa?" Kaito calls. Aizawa looked up at the mention of his name. "Prepare for a bit of secret reveal." Kaito laughs nervously and Aizawa just nodded in response.

"First video please!" Kaito exclaims and Avelyn nods, pressing a gree button as the first video played.

[I'll be using this video as reference and yes this is my video, I'll just improve it in this chapter]

The scene started playing, showing a smaller Todoroki with bandages on his arms along with a red haired male who seemed to be older than Shoto. His red hair was strangely fading to a white colour and his eyes were piercing blue like his father's. He had even more bandages around his body, on his chest, arms, face and even legs. Both seemed to be playing together and music played in the background as they laughed away.

"I'm gonna be just like you!"

Shoto proudly announced to his older brother, smiling brightly as he hugged the older male. Touya smiled softly and pats Shoto's head in response, happy that he finally got to spend time and play with his youngest brother after weeks of not seeing each other.

"Aww.." Many people smiled at the scene, it was nice. Shoto smiled slightly at this along with Fuyumi and Natsuo. Dabi sighed, remembering those times all too well and Tenko pulled him closer to comfort him a bit. Rei looked happy but saddened by this while Enji looked down in shame and guilt.

"No matter what you say I can't do.."

The scene changed to the basement where Shoto, Natsuo and Fuyumi were helping Touya with his wounds and burns on his body. Bandaging the cuts, bruises, and many more. They hugged each other, hugging as they cried together as a family.

Enji could already feel the stares, I mean glares, being directed at him and if looks could burn he would be dead in less than a second given how many people had glared so harshly at him. He now knew what he did was wrong, and he wanted to change as soon as possible..

"I'll follow you until the day.."

The scenes flashed showing the siblings playing, smiling, laughing as they spent time together which was very rare considering how their father wouldn't let them see each other most of the time. They were making the most of it.

"I can smile at you and say..."

The scene darkened as it showed the events leading up to how Shoto got his scar and how Touya was basically burning alive and the siblings trying to get to him, crying and screaming as they tried to calm his quirk down. The last thing he remembered before he passed out was his sibling's smiles and all the good times they had together.

The scene changed again to Touya's funeral and his family mourning over him. Shoto stared intently at his father, his eyes piercing cold and twitching a bit. Rage and anger built inside him as he clenched his fists, his shadow showing a dark figure and aura forming.

"What's happening to him!?" Midoriya asked in worry. Most of his classmates and teachers asked the same thing, concerned. "That's the hate inside of him, it will slowly creep up to him as he grows, in this case covering his scar. His mental state will also worsen when this happens." Avelyn explains to them leaving them more concerned than before. And more importantly, they felt helpless as they had to sit and watch it happen in stead of helping because they couldn't do anything.

The years went by and it showed Dabi running into a dark alleyway, seemingly away from some heroes or police. He stopped to catch his breath and saw a figure in front of him. The male had black hair on one side and red on the other, wearing black and dark blue clothing that looked like a darker and more advanced version of Shoto's hero costume.

The male turned around, revealing his scar that was completely covered in black goo of some sort and his eyes filled with calmness but also insanity at the same time. Dabi's eyes widened, horrified by what he saw and he felt the tears start to roll down his face. The male seemed to pause for a minute but his lips slowly curled into a smile, a sadistic one.

"Big brother, I'm just like you~!"

Shoto smiled with a twisted look in his eyes, it looked like he enjoyed seeing his brother's pain or, that wasn't it..


He loved the feeling of despair on people's faces. Dabi froze, looking at his little brother in sadness. Their old man really was an asshole... Dabi gritted his teeth and wiped away his tears, swearing revenge on his old man for turning his little brother into a villain like this..He would have much prefered if Shoto didn't follow his paths..

By the end of this, everyone was quiet. No one dared utter a word. You could even hear a pin drop in the room. The tension was so thick that you could cut it with a knife. "I think you all deserve a break then we can continue with this AU.." Kaito announces before he and Avelyn walk out of the room. "Endeavor.." The pro heroes growled angrily. "It's fine, don't hurt him.." Shoto calmly says. The pro heroes sat back down but seemed to be discussing something.

Meanwhile, the Todoroki siblings embraces each other. Shoto and Touya's significant others smiled at the scene as they left the family to embrace, figuring that they needed to give the siblings some time together again. Endeavor sat on his seat, deep in thought. Rei was being comforted by Inko and Mitsuki who told her that her children didn't blame her and had forgiven her for the incident and her other self couldn't have predictived. what happened in that AU. And I'll just leave it at that for this chapter everyone..

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