Part XXXIX (39)

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Making some excuse to leave was my knee-jerk reaction, but this conversation would be waiting for me when I got back. Come on D. This isn't the first rejection you've ever gotten—first bed rejection but not a first overall pass—just get it over with. Quick like a band-aid.

I held in a breath. Forcing it to do my bidding in keeping any potential waterworks packed away where they belonged. Meaning my fucking tear ducts.


"What happened, that wasn't my intention when I came into your room last night. I really just wanted to spend some time with you and explain Matteo's visit."

My insides let out the most devastated of groans. Why? Why did I have to be in love with a man who wasn't sweet on me? One who was only interested in some heavy petting and smooching? Don't get me wrong, I'd take both of those over nothing in a heartbeat. But couldn't I'd do just about anything for you mean I love you desperately now may I pilfer your guarded treasure indefinitely?

"Things progressed a lot farther than I expected." He paused "And I can't tell you I regretted even a second of it." I held my breath, now for an entirely different reason; was this hope? Easy girl...we've been bitten before. "I don't want you to think that I came in there to take advantage of you."

Oh. OHHHH. That's what that look was. Sebastian was remorseful because he thinks he took things too far. That I might be thinking he took advantage of me. Silly man. But so sweet too. But also very frustrating.

"Never even crossed my mind, Ronaldo."

"Okay, that's great. If... I... fuck, why am I so nervous." He ran his hand down his face, he was flustered. I bit back a smile, I was afraid if I made any motion he would lose his nerve and I so wanted to hear the end of this. 

I've never gotten to witness nervous Sebastian before and it was delightful. He reached out to take hold of my hand, rubbing his thumb over the back of it. "Look, we've had a rough road. And there are so many ways that this could go..."

He cleared his throat. Brows furrowed as if all of the words were lost on him. "Go on." I encouraged.

"Okay, what I'm trying to say is that I enjoyed last night. I definitely know you enjoyed last night." He smirked, he was not wrong, his smugness was allowed. "And I'd very much like a or something similar in that sense. Doesn't have to be exactly like last night just you know, in that general field. We can mix and match potential outcomes. If you're not opposed that is. Completely understandable if that's not what you want and it was just a one-time thing. I'm going to stop talking now." A faint flush was creeping up his neck and he was squeezing my hand. Imagine that, crimson on Sebastian for something other than rage.

What a delight!

The smile that was threatening to split my face in half couldn't be stopped, so I raised my fist to try and cover it. Here was this man who commanded a team with ease. Oozed confidence and had always been acres ahead of me whenever we flirted. Who took the world by storm, knocking barriers down and coming out on top.

Demanding to avenge my attacks like a man possessed. The great thing was that he'd been his usual self last night. But give Sebastian feelings that required to be handled with care and he was rambling in complete Dalia fashion.

I wish I could say he was making this awkward, but alas, it was endearing. In fact, I was a bit turned on, although that might just be my base setting around him.

I had a hold over him; the knowledge made me feel powerful. This was how villains' origins were created. Drunk on power. I'd attack him now but I was gathering he wasn't ready for that. I need to take this slow, don't want to frighten the poor thing.

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