The Ball

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If I go to the ball, I can make him tell me where my husband is, as long as my husband is safe and unharmed! I will write the fortune over to him legally, yes that's it! I need a back up plan, I will figure it out as I go!

I have to eat now or I am not going to make it much further... I went to the refrigerator, thank goodness Mina left some Godiva chocolates! She must have bought ham, turkey, and bread before she left, too! I made three sandwiches and tore them down! I drank down tons of Diet Coke which I never hardly ever drink... but I'm scared to drink the water. Something besides all these other crazy people has been making me drunkish, my memory hazy and unclear! I have to keep my wits about me! Papa Legba and even Mama Layhatte said they had been drugging me for a while now. It has to be the water! I opened my little hotel closet, in a black bag was my gown... I picked out months ago, I have never been to a ball and finally, it was my turn to go! Mina was supposed to go but I forgot to remind her with all the madness. Sad that my first ball will be far from a Cinderella story. I unzipped the bag... to see my shiny light blue, one-shouldered gown. It was fitted from the top to my thigh, then a long swirly mermaid train at the bottom. It kinda looked like a mermaid tail, it was covered in tiny clear beads that glisten in the light, kind of how water looks.

I must wear my boots because no one would be able to see my feet, maybe they will but I probably won't be there long anyway. I don't know what all, I am up against tonight but, I am going to be prepared! The wind was howling through the windows loudly... as I took a quick shower, dried off, dried my hair, then curled it. I applied my make up slowly, there's a chance I won't survive tonight. I should try and look my best, I will save everyone before myself. I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared! Part of me still thinks I'm not awake and just like Alice I'm sleeping somewhere safely. But, if it's not... I have to fight, I don't know how but, I trust I will know when the time is right.

As I added my sparkly lipgloss to my lips. I thought it's kinda' cool my great, great, great granddad was a pirate and a kickass businessman! As I placed my baby blue large chandelier earrings in my ears. I heard the french windows open, something crashing into the brick wall on the other side of the hotel room... the wind blowing stuff all over the living area, then I heard someone shut the window... "who's there?" I grabbed the lamp on the nightstand... "I'm armed" as I jerked the lamp to unplug it... "you silly girl, you already invited me in... I can come in whenever I please now."

"Toussaint!! Why the hell didn't you just knock on the door... and thanks for literally dropping me in the middle of the bayou! I'm trying to get my husband back, reclaim my family's rightful name, and stop all this madness! But if I can protect all of you, I will give it up. I think that is why he hides, aka my great or great, great Uncle Ethan always hides in the shadows! He's scared I would come take the money from him because it was never his, to begin with, he stole it somehow from my grandfather! Well, that's my theory anyway. No idea what my link is to stop the storm?"

Toussaint stared at me hard, he didn't say a word.

My ADD squirrelly mind in full force, I kept talking, I always do when I'm nervous! "Mmmmm k, no response? Is there really a category 5 hurricane out there on its way here..." he sprung from his trance...

"yes, they said it's hanging around just outside of New Orleans... there's still a chance it could blow back out to sea... But something is not right, the Mississippi is acting crazy and already starting to spill over into the Quarter. I didn't drop you, I was hit by what felt like a bolt of lightning... it forced me to turn into a bat... it's embarrassing! That is not a myth, we can turn into bats. Save your sarcasm Dorean, I tried to watch over you as long as I could...I saw Marie appear so I knew she would put things right! I don't know who changed me but, it wasn't her! There were tons of bats meaning vampires watching over you! We were powerless to change back, it took 3 days, where were you that whole time, I waited in the window seal for 72 straight hours. The cleaning lady and the window cleaner both tried to kill me! Guess they don't like bats!"

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