Chapter ten: Retriever and Corgi Puppers

Start from the beginning

Whereas Minseok chose a darker brown bed. He liked the finished look it had. Plus, it suited the look of the bedroom since Jongdae had chosen the white simple bed. Minseok's bed also comes with bottom storage compartments, this is good for him as he likes to be well organized, neat and clean.

The bed that Kyungsoo had chosen a plain white simple bed. Kyungsoo had said that he was fine with this type of bed, as he said that he may not even use it on a daily basis, as he and Jongin would normally share a bed now, as they are most comfortable with this. However, he said that if he were to ever need to sleep alone, he will. Kyungsoo also picked out a group bed for everyone to share if needed. This bed is huge, the biggest bed that I've ever laid my eyes on, I didn't even know a bed this size existed. I would say that this bed is about 4 king-sized beds put together. Impossible right. He used the excuse of "What is there's a storm? What if someone were having a nightmare and needed comforting?" So, therefore, I brought the group bed too, considering he gave me those big round eyes that I can't resist.

I paid for the furniture that we all had chosen. The employees said that if I leave them my address then they will have the items delivered to our house. Obviously, I, however, had to pay extra for the delivery fees. The next place that we were heading to will be the home décor store. We need to get decorations for the hybrid's bedrooms. The boys bought a television for each bedroom, some got random paintings to put on their bedroom walls, some even got posters. Some of the boys preferred to get fake plants to add some colour to their rooms. I paid for each of the boy's things, then we went to the car to put the new things in the back.

"Come on boys, get in, we now have to drive back home," I told the eight hybrids. Each of them got into the car, however, they switched up their seatings. This time around Minseok had decided on sitting in the passenger seat, Baekhyun said in the back with Jongin and Kyungsoo. Junmyeon chose to sit on his own in the seat behind me. This left Yixing, Chanyeol and Jongdae to sit in the middle seats.


The drive back home was surprisingly quicker than the drive over, it was also surprisingly somewhat silent, the only noise being heard came from the road and the car moving. Most of the hybrids had fallen asleep during the drive. I quickly woke the boys up once we reached home, they helped me move the things out of the car and into the first lounge room. We were going to leave them here for now, until the hybrids were less tired. Then they were going to go set them up in their bedrooms.

The boys and I laid down on the lounges to get some rest. None of us has the energy to move to our rooms, considering most of us were upstairs, what tired person actually wants to walk up a staircase. Baekhyun asked Chanyeol something, they were whispering, although, I am sure that the other hybrids can still hear them, due to them having a sensitive hearing. "Ummm, Y/N, the other hybrids know this now, but I- - We think that as our permanent owner, you should know this too," Chanyeol practically whispered out the words. "Chanyeol, whatever you have to say is safe to say, I would never judge you or hurt you, the same thing goes for all you guys, your family now, we are all family here," I assured Chanyeol and Baekhyun. The other hybrids all smiled at me after I said this, Chanyeol and Baekhyun still seemed and looked a little nervous.

"So, to start off with, we did not mean to annoy the other hybrids, we were just scared that maybe everyone would hate us," Baekhyun explained to me and the others. "We don't hate you, nor are we annoyed by you two being here, I am sorry that I got angry at you," Kyungsoo apologised to the Corgi and the Golden Retriever. "That's fine, we understand after Y/N explained to us that you didn't like loud places and instead preferred the quieter side of things," Chanyeol reassured the owl hybrid. "We went into that shelter. The one that you adopted us from. Our past owners had said that we were useless and too energetic. They had wanted someone quieter than us, someone, who smiled less, someone who would take them seriously," Baekhyun explained and then Chanyeol continued with, "The reason that we stayed together in the shelter was that the employees weren't able to separate us, without one of us making some sort of scene, they used to beat us up when we were too rowdy and loud, then I got moved to a different cage. One employee there, the manager, I think he is, Mr. Chae, he is really nice, most would say that he doesn't look nice nor sound nice, but he made sure that we were fed and that our wounds were treated." "The real reason why Chanyeol was being given to the hybrid hunters was, that the shelter wanted to adopt me our to some new couple, they have never had a hybrid before, Chanyeol got angry when we were separated. They tried to get rid of Yeollie, in order to get be adopted out, Mr. Chae tried to stop them, but even he can not stop the boss," Baekhyun finished off the story with a shaky voice.

"Boys, your family here now, no one is ever going to hurt you or try and separate you against your own free will again," I explained to them. "They will get hurt if they even think they can," growled Minseok. These boys are my little family, I can not wait to see what time brings us. "Guys let's go to sleep when we wake up, we will put everything into your bedrooms, then in the morning the delivery guys are going to drop off the new beds," I told the hybrids. I got a few 'night Y/N's' back as we all made ourselves comfortable on the lounge. Cuddled up is the best way to sleep. 


Words: 1,870

I hope you like this chapter, sorry it took so long to write, I had a bit of writer's block. 

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