Part 13: New Comers

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"Yeah" I dry laughed, looking anywhere but at America.

"Do you have children of your own?" Nichole abruptly asked, startling me. No way in hell would I ever want any children with the mofo sitting next to me.

America however pulled me in closer in a soft, conferring way. "We don't have any yet. But I am hoping to have a few in the near future." I would have spit out my tea if I had any.

"ah" Nichole squealed. "Children are just the greatest. They really do spice up any marriage. Besides they're so cute. And they always give you something to do." I internally cringed at the thought. Sure I wanted children, but not with America. 

"Oh my would you look at the time." Rachel voiced as she stared down at her small metal wrist watch. "It's almost time for the kids to be home."

That being said the girls got up from where they sat and pushed in their chairs. "It's been lovely to meet you Mr. and Mrs.-" Rachel paused for a moment seeing that she didn't know our last name.

"Jones." America filled in.

"Ah yes, Jones. I look forward to chatting with you both again." Rachel finished.

"It was quite pleasurable this evening." Brianna  added.

"And if you need anything I'm always right down the street. 2328 is my house number." Nichole offered.

"Here," America said as he stood up from his chair. "Let me walk you ladies out the door." I stood up and joined them to the door.

"Goodbye now Mr. and Mrs. Jones. We hope to chat again another time." Rachel farewell as they all stepped out of the front door. 

"Have a nice rest of your evening Mr. and Mrs. Jones." Nichole adieu.

With a shut of a door it was only me and America once more. "Well that was unexpected."  America stated as he turned to me with a huge smile. 

"What?" i asked. His smile was creeping me out when it spread to his ears like that.

"I wasn't expecting to see some of the neighbors today." He beamed

I began to scratch the back of my neck nervously. I would have made it out of it wasn't for them showing up though. "Yeah that was an event." 

He let out a longing sigh while a blush made it's way to his cheeks. "Mr. and Mrs. Jones. It has a nice ring to it." America's hands made their way around my waists and pulled me close to him. Closing the space between our lips."Don't you think?" He thankfully pulled away.

I was lost in shock at what he just did. H- he kissed me! I could feel my face become beat red with embarrassment. 

"Awe honey you're blushing. You're so adorable." He gushed, lifting me up in the air and spinning me around as he nuzzled his face against my cheek. "I've got the cutest wife I could have ever asked for." 

I was finally able to find my voice after a being spun around like a rag doll. "H-hey put me down! You're going to drop me!" 

America stopped spinning around but still held you off the ground and in his hold and rubbed his face against mine. "Don't worry baby there's no way I'd ever let you go." That was a haunting thought. What I wanted more than anything was for him to let me go and back to Germany. I cant help but worry about him now more than ever with what Nichole told me. 

Germany's POV:

How haven't seen any sign of another living person in how long? Two, Three days? More even?America was the last person I saw. He woke me up with a bucket of cold water then beat and questioned me, then left. Left me alone here sitting in the pitch dark with my arms bounded behind me by cold metal and my ever lasting worries of what was happening in the outside world. 

Where is (Y/N)? Is she alright? Is America doing anything horrible to her or touching her. I swear to if America touched her in any way shape or form I'd kill him and feed him to mein dogs!

 I wonder how Italy and Japan are holding up. I know that this war is over with our loss, but /i still hope that their punishment isn't too bad. 

I have no clue whats even happening to my own country. I do know however that it isn't good. I can feel myself becoming weaker each passing day.

I'm not one for prying to god in all, but god I'd do anything just to see (Y/N) again and see that she's alright. I miss her warm smiles and touch. Her sweet softy voice as she told me that everything was going to be alright.

"I love you (Y/N)." I said aloud in my raspy, cracked voice that I haven't used in days. I could feel a tear make its way down my already cold cheek.

deal: Yandere America x  Country Reader x GermanyKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat