🎨 chapter.18 🎨

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It's been a week and Jisung hates himself.

So. Fucking. Much.

He's avoided anything to do with his soulmate, the one person he loves more than anyone else on the planet. Not that he's actually told Jeno that. Jisung hasn't answered any of his text messages, phone calls or even acknowledged any attempts the older had to communicate with him in person.

Jisung couldn't.

If he did he was risking the job and livelihood of his soulmate, and his own reputation. Jisung wasn't exactly one for confrontation either if you couldn't already tell, because if he was, he would've reported Oscar already. But he couldn't even do that without the risk of his secret coming into light.

The omega felt so isolated.

He'd not spoken to Yeeun or Chenle or Nancy or anyone else since Oscar began blackmailing him that fateful day in the bathroom. He just, couldn't do it. Obviously Chenle knew something was up. He always knew when something was up with his best friend, it was like his sixth sense.

And just like with his soulmate, Jisung had ignored every attempt Chenle had to communicate with him, which hurt him a lot more than he initially thought it would. Chenle had been there his entire life, and now he was shutting him out for what in his mind seemed like the stupidest yet most rational reason.

On the receiving end of this, nothing was any better.

Chenle was unbelievably confused. Jisung wouldn't or couldn't talk to him, and it was incredibly upsetting. Every time Chenle tried to talk to Jisung, he'd turn away and disappear into the crowded halls. He won't answer any calls or texts, even Yeeun was worried.

"Maybe we could ask my brother, maybe he knows what's up" Yeeun suggested as the two sat in the living room of the Lee's house. Enjoying each other's company in a silence that worry consumed.

"Yeah, maybe.." Chenle mumbled into his hand as he sat in a slouched position over his knees. Yeeun leaned closer to him and rubbed his back comfortingly.

"Don't be upset, Lele. I'm sure there's a completely understandable reason as to why Jisung is acting like this. You guys have been friends for forever, he wouldn't just ghost you and not talk to you about what's bothering him unless there was something happening" Yeeun said, trying to add some comfort to the situation.

Chenle was quiet for a few moments. "I know, it's just... we've never fought before, and he's never been mad at me so I just don't get it.. what did I do?"

Yeeun didn't say anything, but both teenagers ears perked up at the sound of the front door unlocking. Jeno stepped inside, eyes tired and face set into a cold, stony expression that was blank and unreadable. Yeeun hopped up and grabbed his arm as the teacher didn't seem to notice their presence.

"What is it, Yeeun? I'm really tired and I'd just appreciate it I could get some shut eye" Jeno muttered as he dumped his wallet, phone and keys onto he kitchen counter.

"I understand, oppa, but we really need to talk to you. It's about Jisung" at the name of his soulmate, it was like you could literally hear the older man's heart shatter into a million pieces.

"I wouldn't know anything, he hasn't spoken to me in a week. He's avoiding me" Yeeun could hear the pain in his voice, and turned to Chenle who was watching from his spot on the couch.

"He's been avoiding us too, he won't talk to us... we just thought that maybe you'd know why"

"Believe me, Yeeun, I wish I knew"

As the siblings stood in silence in the kitchen, a light bulb seemed to turn on inside Chenle's brain. All of a sudden everything made sense. Every time Jisung turned away from them, Oscar was always close by. In hearing range. Every, single time. Every time Yeeun or Chenle or Jeno tried to talk to him, Jisung seemed to freeze and walk away.

Oscar watching from the background.

"How could I have not noticed this before?" Chenle said, catching the siblings attention.

"Noticed what, Lele?" Yeeun asked with a confused head tilt.

"Oscar. Every time Jisung leaves us when we try to talk to him, Oscar is always there" Chenle said, and immediately Yeeun seemed to see things add up.

"Oscars always given me the creeps, remember that weird infatuation he had with Jisung when you guys were freshmen?" Chenle nodded as Yeeun visibly shuddered.

Jeno cocked his head to the side like a confused puppy. "Oscar? Like, pale, freckly blonde Oscar?"

Chenle and Yeeun nodded.

"I've seen him before. He's in one of my biology classes" Jeno said.

Chenle had had too many epiphanies and he was on a roll at this point. He sprung up off the couch as if he'd had forty red bulls in one gulp and raced over to the door. Flinging it open in a state of urgency. Yeeun hurried after him as he bolted down the driveway.

"Wait, where are you going!?" Yeeun called after him.

"Can't talk, I'll call you later!" He shouted back before disappearing down the road.

Yeeun turned back to her brother to see him shrug before walking up the stairs.


"Jisung open the door right now!" Chenle shouted, fists pounding on the front door of his best friends house. He knew Mr and Mrs Park were still at work, he knew the routine of the family like it was the back of his hand. Jisung was home, he knew it.

Snap maps was a thing.

"Jisung I'm serious, if you don't open this goddamn door in the next five seconds I'm gonna slap you so hard your distant cousin will feel it!" Chenle screamed, ignoring the odd looks the neighbours were giving him.

At this point he didn't even care anymore.

Suddenly door opened and with all the force Chenle was using to bang on the door he nearly launched himself inside. Stumbling, he regained his composure and stood up.

"Whaddyou want?" Jisung slurred.

Fantastic. He's drunk.

"Oh my... seriously Jisung? You're drunk?" Chenle questioned, and Jisung was so far gone at this point there was no turning back. So the Chinese made his way inside and guided Jisung to the couch. Trying to prevent himself from retching at the overpowering stench of alcohol that filled the room.

Jisung's parents were gonna go ballistic when they came home.

Chenle then turned to Jisung, knowing now that he's drunk he won't lie to him. Because a drunk persons words are a sober persons thoughts. "Jisung tell me right now the truth. Why are you avoiding us? Your best friend, your soulmate?"

Jisung thought for a moment.

"Does it have to do with Oscar?"

That last part was all it took for Jisung to pour out everything he'd been hiding and beating himself up over for the past several days. It horrified Chenle, but he knew as Jisung's best friend he had to do two things.

One. Call over Yeeun and Jeno to get them to help clean up this nasty mess he calls his best friend.

And two, help save Jisung from the blackmailing that's ruining his relationship and life.

A/N: only three more chapters to go...

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