🎨 chapter.04 🎨

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When Jisung woke up the next morning, he couldn't have been more annoyed and upset.

'It wasn't a dream after all' he mumbled to himself morosely as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. Though it was a chilly autumn morning, the sun was shining brightly through the shutters and creating lines of light on the floorboards.

Jisung groaned and pushed himself up onto his forearms, letting a loud yawn escape his lips. It felt like his entire arm was going to fall off it was so numb, maybe she should've thought that through before he fell asleep on said numb arm. Or maybe it was because of the ink forming around his forearm.

"Jisung-ah! Time to get up now sweetie!" Mrs Park called, knocking on the outside of the door. Jisung grumbled back something incomprehensible and swung his legs over the side of the bed, feeling chills run up his body from the cold floor on the soles of his feet.

Then it occurred to him as he was pulling on a pair of bright yellow pants, because while he loathes Yukhei with his entire being, he can't help but agree with the older that yellow is so his colour. But that wasn't what was occurring to the half asleep boy. What was occurring to him, was the fact that it was a Thursday morning, and on Thursday mornings he has both biology and chemistry one after the other.

In short he'll be having Mr Lee for one more hour than normal.

In fact, Jisung was so distracted by the thought of the awkwardness and annoying connection that would inevitably be growing during the duration of those periods, he didn't even realise he'd put his pants on back to front.

So when he did, he did the most obvious thing which was to growl at the bright fabric as if it was the inanimate objects fault and not his own. Now slightly more awake than he was five minutes earlier, Jisung put his pants on the right way around and tightened them with the elastic loop on the inside of the waist band.

He then came to the conclusion that because it indeed was a Thursday, and his school system is whack, the day starts a lot earlier than normal and finishes earlier than normal. So instead of school staring at the usual 8.25, it's instead starting at 7.25.

And it was currently 7.03.

A yelp that resembled the sound of an injured animal left Jisung's dry lips when he realised and did everything five times quicker than normal.

He pulled his white and navy blue stripped t-shirt on over the top of a long sleeved white shirt with the haste of a thousand enchanted diamond pickaxes. Multitasking like a stressed single mum with three annoying toddlers, he put his white sneakers on and tied the laces, but not without having to re tie his left shoe because he tied it over his finger on accident.

It was 7.14.

"Shit, shit, shit" he muttered. There was no time for breakfast, pretty much no time for anything. So with high hopes of his form teacher Miss Chu being late again because she forgot to feed her Pomeranian Buggy again, he brushed his teeth so fast it was like the toothbrush had a mind of its own.

Soon those chompers were squeaky clean and Jisung was pretty much set to leave. He shoved all his books into his bag and flew down the stairs. "Aren't you hungry?" Mrs Park asked, popping her head out the kitchen to watch her son frantically run down the corridor with clumsy form.

"I'm gonna be late" he replied in a frantic tone, pulling his puffy jacket on as he barged out the door.

All he could do now was hope to any god that was listening that Miss Chu was in a forgetful mood.


Luck was on Jisung's side this morning.

Miss Chu had indeed like Jisung had suspected forgotten to feed poor old Buggy and had shown up late, giving the teen that unfortunately forgot to wake up an hour earlier time to rush to his locker before bounding up and down three flights of stairs, down a couple corridors and across the balcony until he skidded into the room.

Miss Chu arrived almost three minutes after Jisung collapsed into his seat beside Chenle.

"What took you so long? Thought you'd fallen asleep in your cereal again" Chenle snickered teasingly, turning to watch his friend who was beyond puffed out with an amused grin on his face.

Jisung scowled at him. "I woke up late, dumbass, and that was one time, I thought we had agreed to never speak of it again" Jisung slumped in his seat embarrassed that the girl in front of him began whispering to her friends about it in hushed giggles.

Chenle laughed. "You agreed, I didn't. And I still have the video if you fancy going down memory lane~" the shorter sing songed, whipping out his phone too further prove the point.

The taller gasped. "You wouldn't dare!"

"Wouldn't I?"

And just before Jisung was about to unleash his epic kick boxing that he normally reserves for insects that dare invade his personal space, Miss Chu hobbled in with her crutch, leaning on it to counteract the weight on her bad knee. "Morning everybody, sorry I'm late. Poor little Buggy was begging for his breakfast" she apologised.

Jisung smirked in victory.

"What're you smiling about?" Chenle asked.

"Oh nothing" he replied.

Miss Chu began to settle herself down in her chair, chatting away to the goody two shoes who always sat in the front seat right in front of the old lady's desk.

Jisung spent the next fifteen or so minutes mucking around in the backseats with Chenle, mostly just taking the mickey out of each other for sheer enjoyment at the others suffering. But god you should've seen the look on his face when the bell rang and it dawned on him he'd have to face the one person he didn't want to see for the rest of his life.

Mr Lee.

Sorry for not updating in a while, I've been kinda busy lately but yeah, here we go! For most of the outfits Jisung will be described wearing, they're from either airport fashion, or some of the less strange outfits from different comebacks.

- Ruby

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