20 April - 24 April

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20 April

Today was a day just like any other, well so I thought... the young flower on the other side of the lawn, had caught my attention once again... this time with even more flowerpower. I had to talk with her... but how would i ever get the chance... it's not like I can move or anything... I had to find a way, then it hit me like a bee... oh right... exactly like a bee, a young bee flew into me by accident. He instantly apologised, I told him it was fine. I asked him what his name was. He said Bob. Heh, Bob-bee, anyways Bob might have been the answer i had been looking for all this time...

Maybee he could act like some kind of messenger, between me and her. So I asked Bob If he could fetch me the young flower's name. He agreed... but only if he could get all the nectar I will produce this year, I said of course. He smiled with a satisfied grin on his little yellow face. Then he flew with much speed and buzzz.

I could only spectator as he talked with her... I blushed when he pointed at me, and she giggled. Bob returned to me after a little while, I was so nervous, Bob then said "her name is Tulip, and too me it sounds like she is interested in you, little carrot" I blushed, my face went rose red in seconds, Bob laughed loudly. 

OMG, Little old me actually has a chance with a tulip...

24 April

We have done nothing but messaging each other for 4 days. I have learned so much about her, her onion size and how many leafs she has... I can only daydream... my long and thick root tangling around her round and partly soft onion, maybe I would even piece her first 3 layers with my root to get even closer to her sweet core...

Oh my, Im beginning to blush again, is it hot out here or is it just me?

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