3 April - 6 April

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3 April

It's early spring... I'm just starting to become a little seedling... I am growing in the dark side of the garden... Life Is hard here... Barely any light... And little to no minerals in the soil... but I am a determined little Daucus carota, I will not be stopped by my natural needs, I am a fighter.

6 April

My main root has reached extreme lengths, about 5 mm. Yeah... okay I am quite small at the moment, but size doesn't matter... does it?

Anyways I have also been growing my top a little, not much... But enough for me to get some sun, if I can find any... Even with all my new grown leafs and roots, life is still being a piece of fertiliser, but not in the good way. I can't find any water, and the sky is always so cloudy... I can only wait and hope mother nature will give me a chance to live... i can only hope...

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