8 April - 16 April

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8 April

The weather is terrible this dreading morning... I have lost all hope for survival, I can only gaze into the sky and pray. Then with that thought the sun peeked through the clouds and with it, the sweetest rain a sprout could ever desire, the cold water is the best thing I have ever felt. I begin storing minerals and sugar into my little root. The crisis had been averted for now.

16 april

I have grown a lot since last time. I now have a humongous root that goes about 4 centimeters down through the hollow soil, there are actually some delicious nutrition and minerals down here, also it's quite humid. Now the top, that's a little different, life is not as easy above ground, all these dandelions are really taking up a lot of space, and not only that, they are also super annoying, I wish they would just leaf me alone already... not everything above ground is terrible there is this beautiful young plant, growing on the other side of the lawn. It's so much nicer over there... they even seem to have a personal slave mammal, it appears to be some kind of homo sapien, it is dedicated to giving the young sprouts  the water they need and it is even removing pesky dandelions... I wonder if the grass really is greener on the other side of the lawn...

Spring LoversNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ