Erotic fiction. Oh let's be creative. The Loins of Flaming Hell.

What do you want to/did you major in, in university?


Would you rather go to the Grammys or the Academy Awards?


You have to set your story in a country that isn’t your own, and isn’t the US or the UK. Where would you set it?


Would you rather be an extra in a huge, blockbuster movie or have a character named after you in a self-published, unpopular book?


What time period/place (e.g. middle ages, 12th century China, Ancient Egypt) would you like to live in and why?

1920's. I mean it was just this period of total decadence. Granted, it led to the Great Depression but still.

Are you an old soul or a young soul?

I'd say young

What song annoys you more than anything else?

Anything by Justin Bieber. Any of his songs. Though especially Boyfriend because dude, he can't do the "sexy" thing.

Pick your favourite movie character. Now recast them and explain why.

I don’t really have a favourite movie character. I also don’t think I could recast any movie characters I love; it’s just not possible for me.

Pick your favourite book character. Now put them in a different book entirely (and explain why you would put them there).

Adrian from Vampire Academy and Bloodlines would go to the book, Half-Blood. The reason? Because I think he and the character of Seth could make an interesting combination. Both are the bad boy characters with a vulnerable side and witty one lines. Just thinking about them in a scene together makes me wish they were in the same book.

In the movie of your life, who would play you?

Candice Accola.

Quick: What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you read the word ‘Swamp’?


What is something that you do not understand AT ALL and you don’t think you ever will understand it?


Have you ever been to Scandinavia?


Which is your favourite letter of the alphabet and why?

L. I don't know why, it just rolls off your tongue and sounds nice.

Lucky number?

5. Supposedly. I prefer 21 ;)

What’s the physical feature people comment on the most?


Which of the ancient pantheons—Greek Mythology, Egyptian mythology etc.— do you find the most interesting?

Greek Mythology.

What, in your opinion, is the most unrealistic thing about zombie movies?

That half the time the zombies go down easily. Give them a little credit.

Insert a fandom: ‘Fans of.....would love my story!’

"Fans of Nightshade would love my story!"

On a scale of one to ten, how bad is the world in your book? (Ten being a world that is completely horrible, one being a utopian heaven).


List a song that fits with the beginning third of your book, a song that fits the middle and a song that fits the end. (Basically, a three song playlist that sums up your book).

Afraid- Sarah Fimm

Fight Inside (Acoustic) – Red

Love Lost- The Temper Trap

One of your characters can come to life; who is it and why?

Mikhail the character from my latest untitled book. I'd choose him because well he’s Mikhail. I can't explain it but I have a strong connection to him and if I had the opportunity to meet him I'd want to.

If you had to write the book from another character’s perspective (or from a character’s perspective full stop, if 3rd person) whose would it be and why?

Mikhail’s. I feel like it would be interesting to just write in his POV, especially considering certain scenes in the book. It would really give insight into the life of a Hunter since he used to be one as well.

Paste your favourite quote from your story and explain why you love it.

I haven’t started writing it yet, so no favourite quote.

Did you/are you writing this in correct order or just whatever scene you feel like should be written next?

Both. I write random scenes to keep the inspiration flowing and I write in order so I know where I'm going.

Guesstimate how many hours of planning you did before beginning to write this story.

8 hours.

Who, or what, is the main antagonist? Explain them. Are they evil, misunderstood or something else?

The Hunters. Completely misunderstood. They’re very layered antagonists because their reasoning is actually quite logical for why they do what they do.

Describe the most attractive (in any way) character in the series: features, clothing and personality.

Mikhail. He has golden brown hair, green eyes and slightly tan skin. He’s six feet tall and wears jeans and a polo shirt most often. He’s a stoic guy but he can also have a lot of fun. He can also be funny in a sarcastic way.

Which is the strongest in your story: setting, characters or plot?


Who is the best couple in your story?

Kai and Conner.

If you had to cut one main or main supporting character from your story, who would it be?

I'd probably cut Seth who is the one of the MC's friends. Not extremely important to the story but does provide some useful information, though someone else could easily fill that role.

Every character in the story comes over for a cocktail party at your house. How well would that go? What would happen?

It would probably go over well in the sense it’d be hilarious. There would be hook-ups, fighting, and some spells going on.

Do you want to get this story published one day?

Not this one, no.

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