"Your... your parents? The mothafuckas who left you?" Treyvon threw out without thinking. "They didn't leave me. I was kidnapped technically but they didn't know that I was taken. It's a long story but I need you guys to fly out to Jersey," she told him. "Jersey? I thought you were in New York!" He spat, confused by his wife's constant traveling. "Can you just trust me? Everything will make sense when you guys get here I promise," she told him. Trey sighed heavy, not sure what his wife was about to unveil. "What about Tristan?" He questioned. "I'll call him and tell him to have his dad drop him off either at the house or the airport. I can't wait to see you," she voiced.

"I miss you baby. I'll book the flights. The girls are back from their trip so this should be fun," he said with a chuckle. He could only imagine what this new found family was like. Were they expecting so many people to show up? "That's great. Everyone here is excited to meet everybody. Where's my little busy body? Usually she's up trying to help you," Reign asked, hearing children running through the mansion. "She coming with my big tool belt even though I told her I didn't need it," he said, quickly taking a picture and sending it to Reign.

"Aww my baby

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"Aww my baby. Hurry up. Maybe you guys can fly out today," she said, extremely antsy. "Babe-" "You're three boss remember. That's why you have blueprints," she threw his own words back at him.

"Fine. I'll just drop everything off to Nate and come back and pack to leave today," he told her, realizing his daughters weren't the only ones spoiled. "Thank you my love! I'll see you when you land," she squealed. She went to the dining room, seeing everyone taking a seat around the table. "Why you all giddy early in the morning?" Jamal asked. "Because I miss my family and they are coming today," she giggled. "Are you marry?" Haven asked, opting to sit in her big sister's lap today. "Yes I am and I have a little girl around your age and a son who is a bit older and my two big girls," Reign explained. "How old are the two oldest ones?" Dre asked. "18," she spilled, making Keem choke.

"You were an Uncle at the tender age of what 5. How does it feel?" Mal laughed as he patted his brother on the back. "That means Ma and Pop were grandparents in their 30s," Dre did the math. "Damn! This family is-" "Shut the hell up boy!" Cookie snapped at Keem before he said something so rude. "She got 2 years on mom so yay," Mal threw out, cheering waving his hands in the air. "Imma fuck y'all up," Cookie growled as Reign laughed. "No but honestly the age thing isn't a bad thing. If I hadn't had my girls at a young age I probably would've been dead or still locked up," she explained, everyone taking a second to reflect on that point of view. Lucious nodded, finding himself agreeing with her.

"She's right. It's something about when you're doing wrong as a teenager then you get that first ultrasound photo. You hear that first heart beat. Feel that first kick. It makes you want to do better in life. Do something that's other than dealing," he told them. "I might've been 15 but your father and I started our dream then. Empire probably wouldn't have been a thing if shit happened differently. So I'm not ashamed. I wouldn't have my family any other way," Cookie said, smiling at her husband. "Amen!" Mal said, raising his glass, followed by everybody else. "So tell us about this song that you two recorded," Cookie remembered. "You sing too?" Carol asked.

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