Part 1 - Sorry! Wrong Turn!

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Monday, October 3, 2019 (Just deal with it)

Todoroki's POV
I continue to run. My head down and at my top speed. They're chasing me again. By they, I mean my bullies. My bullies are Kirishima Enjriou, Hanata Sero, and some other boys I don't remember the name of. They bully me because somehow they found out I was gay. Now they think whenever I even slightly looking at them, I'm checking them out. They would throw things at me, call me names like a fag, and just be an all-around jerk. 

There's one girl who is actually pretty nice to me. Her name is Momo Yaorozu. Her family and she are very religious so we don't speak about my sexuality or boys around them. She's told me a hundred times over that she has different views than her family and I kind of believe her. She doesn't act like I am the purple sheep in a world full of pink sheep. She and I would talk about guys from our old school and how stupid we were as children. 

Back to why they are chasing me yet again. Well, you see they were up in my face and I caught an attitude with them. So if you are on the street and see a boy being chased by a bunch of other boys screaming horrible gay slurs, it's probably me because I pissed my bullies off.

I turn down a street I knew they would follow me on, the street that leads to the south side of town. I had a feeling they won't follow me here is because of all the gang activity. I am small meaning I could slip through small holes and they aren't so they are at a disadvantage. Also, I can be quite the sweet talker when I need to. 

I look behind me and I was right, they didn't follow me. All a sudden I come into contact with another body. I look up to see a male around my height, maybe in his early twenties, ash blonde hair, and piercing red eyes. In all honsesty he was hot. He gave me a small smile "sorry I mean no disrespect, but are yah lost little boy. No one really runs into the south side for fun!"

I look up slowly "I was being chased and thought this was my only option. I am so sorry! Wrong turn anyway!"

"It's fine. Hey, do you want me to take you back to my boss and he could to take you home?"

The male started to seem oddly familiar. Then, it hit me "aren't you a stripper?"

He drops down "best in my feild"

"Ground Zero!!!" I smile.

"You know who I am?" he asks 


Yep. He was judging me. I was only 16 and knew who a pretty good male stripper was. He chuckles "didn't think I would be reaching that demographic age. Anyway, come on, I'll take you to my boss and we'll go from there"

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