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"General, are you sure you want to do this? We can send someone else in."

You ignored the Captain as you leaned out of the passenger's side door and slipped your heels on. You grabbed your clutch from the floor and stood, closing the door behind you.

"Just be careful," he urged you, exasperation in his voice. "He is dangerous. Highest military ranking. Hundreds of confirmed kills, approaching the thousands..."

You snapped your hand mirror closed, satisfied with your lipstick, and turned to face the captain sharply.

"Is there someone more qualified than me to handle this target, brother?" you sneered. "Do you want to do this yourself?"

Despite your higher rank, your older brother had never stopped babying you. At some point he needed to acknowledge your qualifications and give you the respect you deserved. You were more than ready to handle this target. You'd had your eye on him for years.

The captain stepped back, shaking his head as he raised his hands in submission.

"I will be right out here waiting for you. If you're not out in two hours, I'm coming in!" He tapped pointedly on the communication bead on his wrist. You felt as if he'd just given you a curfew.

"I can handle this, brother. He is one of us."

At that, you turned and strode gracefully towards the entrance of the club. Your brother leaned up against the hood of the car, watching you disappear in to the darkness. He clicked a Kimoyo bead and the 2-hour countdown began.

The club was jumping. Hot, thick air clung to you as you maneuvered through the sea of gyrating bodies. You scanned the crowd carefully, catching glimpses of different faces briefly illuminated by flashing lights. This was an ineffective way to locate your target, so you began to climb the staircase to the second floor, your hips swinging sensually as you ascended.

You stalked across the balcony, dragging your hand along the cool metal railing. You looked down upon the mass of sweaty club goers and murmured to yourself.

"I know you're here. Come out and play."

Moments later you spotted him.

He was standing casually against the bar, nursing a whiskey, eyes trained on you. Seems he had seen you first.

He arched an eyebrow and lifted his chin slightly as if challenging you. You smiled coyly down at him and leaned over the railing, perfectly framing your cleavage.

This was way too easy.

He set his drink down on the bar and made his way to you, cutting quickly through the crowd. He jogged lightly up the stairs and was soon face to face with you. He leaned in and shouted over the thundering music.

"The name's Erik!"

You looked him up and down appreciatively before responding.

"I know."

Erik's cheeks pushed his eyes into slits when he smiled. Rows of white teeth and gold capped fangs flashed at you before he licked his lower lips.

"Aight. So what's your name, ma?" He reached for your hips, but you stopped him, lightly grabbing his wrist.

"There's plenty of time for that," you purred. You led him back down to the dance floor, looking back at him with teasing glances every now and then. Erik followed you earnestly, his eyes raking hungrily over your curves.

You pulled him in to the middle of the crowd and began to dance against him. He was both impressed and taken aback by your confidence. You'd come in to the club completely alone and strutted like you owned the place. Your skin glowed under the flashing purple and blue lights and your natural hair bounced as you danced.

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