Say My Name - Part 4

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It had been a little over half a year since you'd been taken from him.

Erik exhausted all the questions he could think of for your pre-recordings. All he had left were smaller files filled with your selfies, videos of you cooking, singing or dancing, and a few to-do lists.

He'd stopped watching them. They hurt too much. Every time he said your name, he ripped open any haphazard healing he'd done. He needed to focus on his mission to overthrow Wakanda. He couldn't get lost in silly videos of the past. He couldn't get caught up in his feelings for you.

So he drowned himself in his work and women. He wasn't proud of it, but it kept his head clear. His latest bed mate seemed keen to assist him with his plans. He'd met her in London while scouting out a site. Her name was probably Linda. But he wasn't sure and it was far too late to ask.

She had the skill set he needed and she kept his bed warm.

Though he no longer spoke of you, he continued to wear your Kimoyo beads. They sat quiet and cold against his wrist every day. Linda had asked about them, intrigued by the design, but Erik told her nothing. He simply dicked her down instead. She always stopped asking questions after sex.

Until one day.

Erik awoke abruptly. He'd thought he'd heard your voice. He shot up in his bed and looked frantically around the room before realizing that it was impossible and he'd probably just been dreaming about you again. He reached over to pull Linda closer to him, but found her side of the bed empty. He was sure she had stayed the night last night.

But then he heard it again. Your voice coming from the master bathroom. Erik scrambled up and pushed open the door, his heart pounding wildly. Inside he found Linda, perched against the side of the tub, holding your Kimoyo beads in her hands. She had slipped them off of him in his sleep when they suddenly turned on. A new video of you singing projected upwards.

"Happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday, dear N'Jadaka.

Happy birthday to youuuuuu!"

Of course you'd recorded this. Even lost, you'd never forget his birthday. Erik felt as though his heart would rip through his chest as he stared at your image. You wore a mini party hat and continued to sing.

"Second verse! Same as the first!

A little bit louder and a WHOLE LOT WORSE!





Linda stood from the side of the tub, gripping the beads in fury. She stalked up to him and waved the bracelet in his face.

"Who the fuck is this?!" she yelled over your singing. Erik stared at her blankly, waiting for her to get over her little tantrum and realize who she was talking to.

"And it's your birthday?! You never even told me when your birthday was!" Linda pushed against his chest. Erik didn't budge.

"How does SHE know? Who is she, Erik!? Who is this hoe?"

That was it. He'd had enough. Erik grabbed Linda's wrist and twisted in behind her back. He pushed her up against the bathroom counter and forced her head in to the mirror all in one swift motion. She screamed and he tightened the grip on the back of her neck.

"You think you can just touch my shit, bitch?" Erik hissed in Linda's ear. "You think you run any of this?"

Linda whimpered, realizing her mistake. Her panicked breathing fogged the mirror slightly. She had known Erik was dangerous, but she'd never seen him this mad. He could snap her in half right now if he wanted to. The last thing she'd hear could be you singing Happy Birthday.

"Nah, you wanna be bold, be fucking bold. Say what you were going to say," Erik demanded, murder in his voice.

"I'm sorry, Erik!" Linda cried. "I'm sorry!"

Erik ripped the Kimoyo beads from her hand and released his grip on her entirely. He said your name to interrupt your singing and allowed your projection to go dark. He slid the bracelet back on to his wrist, a small bit of your soul dormant against his flesh.

He was still seething when Linda slowly turned around. She chose her words carefully.

"I'm sorry. I just wanted to be able to do something special for your birthday... Daddy."

Erik cocked his eyebrow at the pet name as she approached him again. He knew she liked it rough, but this was new. He'd just threatened her life and she was in to it. Linda reached out and lightly caressed his arm as though she were testing the waters. When he didn't rebuff her, she pressed her body up against his and tugged at the drawstrings of his pajama pants.

"Let me do something special for you, Daddy," she repeated.

Erik chuckled, his chest rumbling as he did so.

"You'll do anything I want for my birthday?" he asked. Linda nodded enthusiastically, sliding her hands in to his pants.

Erik caught her at the wrist and she gasped again, this time turned on rather than fearful.

He brought his lips to her ear and whispered.

"Then get dressed. The museum opens in an hour."

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