Say My Name - Part 8

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You didn't even feel Erik get out of the bed that morning. You were awoken to him leaning over you and kissing you lightly on the forehead.

"Y/N," Erik whispered.

"Hey, babe!" you gurgled cheerily, stretching between the silk sheets and rubbing your eyes.

Erik's cheeks rounded as he broke in to a smile. His gold canine gleamed down at you.

"I've gotta head out," he informed you. You looked up at him with a pout. "Don't look at me like that. We're shipping out the weapons to the War Dogs today. After that, I'm all yours, okay?"

He kissed you on the lips this time and headed towards the door.

"Eh!" you protested. Erik stopped and looked at you quizzically.

"You're not going anywhere until I do your hair."

He rolled his eyes, but made his way back to you. You always found some silly excuse to take up his time. But it's not like he minded. He'd gone over a year without you, and if his queen wanted to braid his hair, then everyone else would wait.

You swung your legs over the side of the bed and parted them slightly. Erik nestled himself between your plush thighs and exhaled. You tousled his locs with your hand and began to part them in to three rows.

"You're gonna make me late, woman," Erik joked.

"A king is never late," you replied haughtily. "Everyone else simply early."

Erik turned his head to look at you suspiciously, effectively fucking up the braid you were working on.

"Did you make that up yourself? Or am I gonna find out that you're quoting some Elle Woods shit again."

You gasped in fake disbelief.

"No! That's a quote from Clarisse Renaldi. The Queen of Genovia herself!"

Erik laughed loudly. His voice boomed across the room.

"Genovia sounds like a fake ass country."

You braided his hair a little tighter and he hissed. You continued to tell him about your PR plans for the day.

You were hosting a free day at the museum for the families of Wakanda. You would be live streaming it as well in case some people couldn't attend.

You chattered on about the different exhibits and how you used to get lost in that museum for hours as a child. How it fostered your sense of pride to be Wakandan while simultaneously fueling your curiosity about the rest of the world. How you wanted to experience that wonder again and pass it along to the children of your country.

"You really like kids, huh?" Erik asked when you finally took a breath.

"I don't know, I guess," you thought out loud as you finished braiding back his hair.

"Well you'd better, cause we're gonna have all sorts of little nigglets running around."

Your eyes widened.

"We are NOT calling them that!" you laughed, pushing his head forward slightly to let him know you were finished.

Erik stood to inspect himself in the mirror. The stupid grin that you loved so much appeared on his face once more and he shrugged on a long, black shawl.

"Ugh, I hate that thing on you," you complained. "And you wore it yesterday..."

"It's the only thing that fits here, ma," Erik informed you. "That nigga T'Challa was so small."

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