Taking Their Kid(s) Trick or Treating Headcanons

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Anonymous: For your 2p! Hetalia headcanons, I'd like to see the regular bois taking their son(s)/daughter(s) trick or treating (and maybe dressing up as well).


2p Italy:
- Luciano would have one son
- Let's get this straight, Luciano is not dressing up
- He doesn't want to because he doesn't see the point in doing so
- Dress up just to go to a stranger's house for candy?
- He can just go buy his own candy if he wants
- He's going to take his son trick-or-treating though
- He's not a complete monster after all
- He may take turns handing out candy while you take your son out and vice versa
- You may be able to convince him to dress up for a family trick-or-treat if both you and your son tag team him with puppy eyes

2p Romano:
- Flavio would have one daughter
- He would rather stay home and hand out candy than go trick-or-treating
- But he'd be damned if he didn't get to see his little girl showing off the costume he made for her
- So he's going trick-or-treating with you and her for at least an hour
- As aforementioned, he makes his daughter's costumes
- He's proud of his work, and she always looks gorgeous in it, even if it's for just one night for a few hours
- Depending on what his daughter wants to be for that particular year, he may dress up with her

2p Germany:
- Lutz would have two sons
- This man right here?
- He's dressing up to the Halloween nines with his boys
- They're going to be the talk of the block with their costumes and how good they are
- He invites Gilen and his family to go with them
- If he's not going for some reason, like the boys are sick, he's decorating the house and handing out candy
- He'd do reverse trick-or-treating for the boys in this case and come up to their room with candy to cheer them up

2p Prussia:
- Gilen would have twins, one son and one daughter
- Gilen won't be dressing up, but he'll gladly take his kids trick-or-treating
- Trick-or-treating is usually a family event for you guys, but you always leave out candy
- He usually walks up to the houses with the kids, even when they are considered old enough to go up on their own
- He just doesn't want something bad to happen to them
- He also doesn't let them go into other people's houses to pick out candy or a toy, no matter how nice that person is or even if he knows them personally

2p Japan:
- Kuro would have one son
- He's shutting the lights off and hiding out inside his home studio
- He doesn't want to deal with kids
- His son, even though he loves him dearly, is enough to handle by himself
- He doesn't need bratty kids screaming and crying because he didn't have good candy or they didn't get the candy they wanted
- You, however, do take your son out trick-or-treating
- And then Kuro probably steals some of his candy when he's not looking
- What? The kids not gonna eat it all himself


2p America:
- Allen would have one son and one daughter
- He's not going to spend money on a costume for himself
- He'll probably do more of a closet cosplay if his children want him to dress up with them
- He may even be one of those people that reverse trick-or-treat, in which he goes to people's houses to give them candy since they don't go out
- Nine chances out of ten Matt and his family are tagging along with his own
- His kids and him are definitely going to watch scary movies when they are done sorting out the candy

2p Canada:
- Matt would have one daughter
- He literally lives in the woods, so who the hell is going to come to his house for trick-or-treat?
- If she wants, she can go with Allen and his two kids to go trick-or-treating
- You have to convince him to go with and dress up
- He literally goes as Wolverine almost every year
- In all honesty he'd rather stay home and buy a shit ton candy on sale the next day
- He's also bummed out that he can't bring Kuma with him
- Although Kuma may try eat any kids dressed up as food or things that look like food, so maybe that's not a good idea to begin with

2p Russia:
- Viktor would have one son and one daughter
- He doesn't understand the point of trick-or-treating
- He gets the significance of the holiday and the history behind it, but what does that have to do with candy?
- You'd take them out trick-or-treating, and Viktor is fine with that
- But he's definitely checking the candy over to make sure it's not tampered with before they eat it
- He knows that there aren't going to be edibles mixed in because who in their right mind would give up their drugs for free?
- On the off chance he does go with you and them, he's silently judging everyone

2p England:
- Oliver would have two daughters and one son
- You can bet that he is going to dress up with his kids
- It's family bonding time, and he's not going to miss out on that
- He always makes sure the two of you have candy to put out if you're both going with the kids
- Which he insists the two of you do
- After trick-or-treat, Oliver likes to bake something sweet to enjoy while the five of you watch a movie to end off the night

2p France:
- François would have one son
- He's not dressing up
- There is nothing you or your child can do to make him dress up
- He won't even dress up to go to a Halloween party
- He's not going out trick-or-treating either
- If you'd let him, he'd keep the lights just off and not hand out candy either
- But you make him hand out candy if he's not going to go with your son

2p China:
- Zao would have triplets, all girls
- Hell yeah! He gets to dress up
- He enjoys dressing up with his kids and going out to get candy
- You've had to scold him to not go out high only once, which is pretty good
- Not all the houses they go to give him candy, but his girls are nice and share with their father
- Or else he pouts all night
- Even though you still have leftover candy
- He doesn't like to hand out candy
- He'd rather be in the thick of the holiday action

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2019 ⏰

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