First Date Headcanons with 2p Russia

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Animefan1876: Can you do a first date headcanon for 2p Russia?

- The first date with Viktor would probably be at a library, and this is how it would go down
- The two of you are in college together
    - You can either take this as a human AU or he's still a country but decided to see how the college students of his country live it up
- You have physics with Viktor in the morning three days out of the week
    - Other than this one class, you really don't see him outside of school
- The two of you get paired up to work on a project for the end of the semester
- Now, Viktor's a pretty smart man and decided to just do the project on his own without any of your input
    - You weren't having any of that and told him that you needed to work together for the grade, not wanting to be another free loader on one of his impeccable pieces
    - He was unamused but agreed nonetheless to go to the college library to work out some of the remaining details
- It was a Friday night when the two of you met up
    - Most people were out and about partying since it was the weekend, so the two of you practically had the library to yourselves
- You already had a crush on Viktor from the beginning of the semester, so having to be almost completely alone with him was torture
- Viktor, while slower to admit his growing feelings for you, couldn't help but shift closer to hear your mumblings about vectors and energy circuits
- You shifted unconsciously towards him until the two of you were nearly hip to hip
- The night was spent working on the project but was also spent stealing glances at one another and lingering gazes before returning to your work
- By the time the library kicked you out since it had gotten so late, you finally had the project finished and ended up chatting while Viktor graciously walked you to your dorm
- The conversation at your door went a little something like this
    - "So, uh, Viktor... Thanks for letting me help. I know you would have rather done that on your own."
    - "Nyet. It's fine. You proved yourself a worthy partner of my time. If there are any group projects in the future that we may pick our partners for, I'll be picking you. Maybe then we can have a second date."
    - "A second what?"
    - "Good night, (y/n)."
    - "Viktor! You get your tall Russian ass back here! That was a date?!"
    - He doesn't respond as he walks back to his own dorm
- And this you had your first date with a Viktor at a library but ended up not knowing it the entire night.

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