Life Is But A Mere Lie

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"We have a lot to discuss child." a voice rang throughout the room. Although you were certain you heard the voice echo off the old stained walls, you somehow knew he was communicating from inside you. The nightmarish figure was now in front of you and a familiar ringing and static filled your ears as the creature confronted you. A gnawing terror bubbled inside you, making you feel almost sick. You had noticed that the wound in your leg was gone and your face felt as though it was fine. The tall entity must've perceived what you were thinking. "I healed the wounds you had received. You were losing a large amount of blood and we needed you alive." It told you. Alive? What the fuck did they need you for?

Millions of questions raced through your mind at an alarmingly high speed. Quite frankly the fact your human brain could process the numbers of questions and horrific scenarios that could potentially come true at any second was utterly amazing. You felt as though the world around you was being breathed in and exhaled in a hazy dream like way. Objects around you submerged themselves in the illusive fog like vapor. Whatever your cerebrum was soaking in, the slim demon like being that resided in front of you for the mere haunting  moment was by far the most absurd. Your brain wasn't the only thing that felt as though it was overheating and malfunctioning. Your body was trembling violently causing sickening shivers to spiral down your body but you paid no attention to your shudders at the time being.

"What the hell do you want from me!? I have no money! I have nothing to give you!" You shouted assuming they wanted the simplest of you. The being shook it's head. "No child. We do not seek materialistic items from you. It is in fact you, that we need. I am sure you have many questions to which all will be answered shortly, but first, I am referred to as Slenderman. The man that brought you here is Toby." So the thing actually had a name. That left you with even more questions. Why did they want you? What was so important about you? "Why me?" You asked confused as all hell.

You found it quite hard to believe that any complex being such as this "Slenderman" or some ticking masked maniac would need anything from you. The life you lived was rather quite uninteresting and average in your opinion. Of course your opinion to these people or things meant absolutely nothing, but you really were your standard individual. Perhaps before what the doctors called 'psychosis' had began to eat away at your fragile mind, you had been a bit of a party animal and a little more of a social lite when intoxicated from your beloved whisky and rum. But still, even then, most people have had their party animal days. A simple job as a bartender kept you occupied many days out of a week, on occasion you painted and it kept a decent amount of a cash in your pocket at times, you didn't particularly keep many friends and really, lately you hadn't gone out too much. So what was it that they deemed so fascinating about you.

Your tired (E/C) orbs found themselves dropping to the floor. It was rather implausibly difficult for your small human brain to even grasp at what the fuck was going on. Not only was this whole horrific grisly situation enough to make one fall into the very depths of insanity, all the little details seemed to stand out right now and it was driving you mad. From the excruciating loud frequencies thumping off one corner of your head and striking the other. To the rather unsettling amount of what seemed to be fresh and old bloodstains that littered every inch of the floor; and you very much so recognized that in these small and large crusted blemishes ,they  held bits of flesh and most likely innards. To the unnerving and ghostly bone chilling draft that had dragged it's bitter crisp ass into this torture room, you picked up on every little detail. The soft, stimulating, tingly brush of flowing in and out of reality, had happened to give you hefty amounts of goosebumps. You were averted from your thoughts though when an unbelievably loud thud from the floor above you thankfully crushed your dazed state, snapping your attention back to Slenderman. 

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