Heading down the road you briefly listened to some music while Kuga like any dog had his head out the window panting with his tongue out, the sight made you chuckle and shake your head as you pulled up into a drive-through and ordering your coffee as well as Chris's, placing them in the cup holders you drove to the HQ of the BSAA.

Pulling up you then first let Kuga out, once he was out and snuggling up to one of the BSAA members who were outside you closed his door, grabbed the coffee's and shoved the driver side door closed before placing one of the cups on the hood, locking your car up, taking that cup once more and heading inside with Kuga following after you.

Pulling up you then first let Kuga out, once he was out and snuggling up to one of the BSAA members who were outside you closed his door, grabbed the coffee's and shoved the driver side door closed before placing one of the cups on the hood, locki...

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(Note: That is a Kugsha dog, and what Kuga looks like so yeah just thought I'd post it!)

Once inside you found Chris you handed his over, chatting away you two were suddenly told that the chief of the BSSA had a mission for you two. A search and possible rescue mission for one of your own secret agents. Looking at one another you shrugged your shoulders and walked off with him.


A military chopper flew in the night sky, you were sitting beside Chris checking on your gun one last time before you all had reached the drop-off area, Chris briefly did the same when a guy beside him spoke up.

"So your Chris Redfield. The expert on the living dead. A big hero, bet you've killed a lot huh? So Mr. Expert any advice on dealing with them?" He asked.
"Yeah. You got friends?" Chris asked.
"Sure I got friends." The guy grins.
"Family?" Chris asked.
"Yeah. My wife, my folks. little sister." The guy replies.
"There are corporations out there creating viruses, turning people into bio-weapons. People like you and me and friends, family. There will come a day where you'll be faced with a decision. Kill them or be killed. Doesn't sound so heroic does it?" Chris replied.
"...Sorry." The guy apologized.
"Hang on a second...is it true you transferred from the DSO to the BSAA?" Another asked you now.
"Yeah." You nodded your head.
"May I ask why?" He asked.
"Uhh..." You let out an uncomfortable laugh.
"Well...honestly that's more of a personal matter." You answered.

And just by a single question the rest of the ride to the 'mansion' where the target has, you tuned out the mission report as your mind went to the most heartbreaking time of your life...

**Flash Back**

The door to the apartment opened abruptly opened and loud voices were heard as two adults were still having their argument from all the way home till now.

"I'm telling you there's nothing between Ada and I!" Leon shouts.
"Really?! Because that sure as hell seemed like it! You give her this look that you always gave me. And just a few hours ago you told Chris clear as day you'll be protecting Ada no matter who she works for! Right in front of me! Oh and to top it off when Helena mentioned that you had feelings for her you didn't quickly deny it! Hell, you even went to her side when she was unconscious and nearly chased after her when Helena told you too!" You shout back.
"Babe please there's nothing-" Leon tries again.
"I've had enough, this whole time since we met I knew there must've been something between you two...even when we met up with her in Spain...guess it only takes four years to replace me quickly. I was never worth the wait...was I?" You asked.

Not giving him the time of day to respond you packed up your things, placed everything you could in your car and drove off after leaving the key behind. Tearfully you drove off and then called Claire. Sure it might've been really late at night but she still picked up.

"(Y/N)? Don't you know what time it is?" Claire's tired voice was over the phone.
"Claire...can I stay with you for a while?" You asked tearfully.
"What's wrong?" Claire asked more aware.
"Can I just come over? I'll tell you when I get there." You cried.
"Yeah sure just get over here safely," Claire replied.

After hanging up you drove for a few hours and finally made it to her home she had you go inside first after placing a blanket around your shoulders, handing you a cup of coffee, then quickly had gotten your bags from your car placing them on one side of the couch before sitting beside you wearing a worried look.

"What happened?" Claire asked.
"Well...during the whole mission of catching Simmons we ran into Ada...again. I didn't think much of it at first but as time passed I noticed he was a bit worried about her, he even protected her when Chris nearly killed her. And when Helena mentioned he may have feelings for her and he didn't quickly deny it then he nearly chased after her too when Helena told him to." You explained.
"What?" Claire asked.
"I guess I wasn't worth the four-year wait..." You frowned then cried.

You started crying again and Claire brought you into her arms, honestly, this was a total shock. She remembers Leon four years ago desperate to find you..but she did notice that when Ada's name was mentioned he would slightly flinch or move uncomfortably.

After a crying fit you then explain that the DSO still didn't trust you despite clearing your name, Claire was horrified that someone could be treated like this despite proving her loyalty, and she wasn't the only one since when you fell asleep Hunnigan called and Claire answered for you, Hunnigan clearly wanted to convince you to not quit your job but it seemed like your mind was made up.

It wasn't until a week or two later that Leon's constant calls stopped and you had requested a transfer from the DSO to the BSAA who seemed to have welcomed you with open arms even with your past which in the end Chris, Jill, Josh and even Sheva vouched for you.

On your first day, you cried, when you were told you were starting with a clean slate, thanking everyone it seemed like it was easy to get along with people around no one judged you at all they offered support with your PTSD and also welcomed Kuga to the team even going as far as to give the little guy a BSAA jacket to wear that still had the 'service dog' words on it as well.

About two or three weeks after getting in the BSAA, learning the ropes of it and getting the first paycheck you had gotten a different apartment to live in one you were currently living in as of now. It took time to get your furniture but when everything was set you actually had made a life for yourself living alone.

Your neighbours were really nice as well, even the little kids living in the apartments at times would visit you on your days off making your days slightly better which helped you when your mind went off to other places. Of course, Kuga was also the main attraction with the kids as he seemed to just let them play all over him whenever they were around even letting them ride on his back as you had coffee with their parents and chatted away.

Life was getting back on track for you.


Once the signal for the drop off was given you had already been out of your thoughts and followed the men out of the chopper before it flew off back into the sky all of you then quickly but carefully walked up to the building to start your mission.

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