Because she found those lumps

Those wiggly wriggly bumps sat upon her neck

And they waited

They waited for the results

Test after test

Even so

June smiled

And Eric began to crack

And June couldn't help but laugh

She brushed his tears away

Told him she was going to be okay

Either way- she didnt want to spend her days crying when they didn't know

When it might just be a silly scare

But the tests came back

And Eric could only stare blankly into the medics eyes

His shoulders slumped- followed by June's

And they spent the rest of the day together in space

Spinning round one another

In perfect silence

It doesn't really rain in space- not like the tears that seemed to come after a lull

Not like the burning ache in their throats

Their world was melting

As we're they

But june, she stood up and decided to try

Eric held her hand all the while

They sat together in the hospital

Hand in hand

Heart in heart

Looking out the window

Talking about kids they were sure to have

Talking about people they were sure to meet

Talking about days they were sure to live

Because the truth was

Those days might not have been coming

And Eric needed to pretend for a bit longer

The lumps receded

And the cough drew away

She'd be fine, everything was gonna be okay

And soon June's fire grew back

As did the lumps, but this time

They were black

Eric could remember stroking her hair

Eric could remember watching her skin pale once more

Eric could remember it all

And God forbid- he prayed and he wished

Fell to his knees and begged

But june knew

She only smiled further as the days passed

And made a list

Complied of four simple things

To do:



-call mom & dad

-nap with Eric

And she'd almost completed it all

But one remained unchecked

Because she never woke up from the nap

And Eric wilted

Like all the flowers they had ever shared

Like all the time they had wasted

Weeks and days

Sleepless nights passed

Seemingly as she had

And on the day of her funeral

The sun shone proud and bright

And the flowers sang

Sang lovely songs for a lovely girl

And eric mustered up a smile

Because he knew

She was with the moon now

And he, too would join her someday

And they would have their beautiful boy Charlie

And a girl just as lovely as June

And they'd meet all the people they never had the chance to together.

they'd dance each day

Breathing as though they knew it'd be their last breath

Yes, Eric would be alright

Eric would remember for sweet June.

And June would wait once more for the moon.

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