Chapter 20

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Did anyone else see that awesome new video that Troye uploaded today? Well, if you haven't, why are you here?

Troye POV

I woke up the next morning still on Tyler's couch, in his arms, and realize that I don't remember falling asleep at all. Which is bad, because I was supposed to be back home last night.


I ease myself out of Tyler's arms, careful not to wake him up, and stalk quickly into the kitchen to find my phone when I come across and folded up note with my name on it, in big black letters. I reached out and grasped the flimsy parchment, opened at the fold, and read silently:

Don't worry, I called your parents last night when I saw that you fell asleep. They said it's fine, since they weren't celebrating today. Feel free to spend as much time with Tyler as you want, since we won't celebrate until later tonight, after I come home from work.
Have a nice day, and tell Tyler that I'll be home at around 5:00pm tonight.

I smiled warmly at her remembrance of contacting my parents, and felt the tension seep out of me quickly after that. I found my phone to check the time, and saw that it was 7:57am. Why I keep waking up at the crack of dawn, when I'm with Tyler, I'll never understand. Especially since I fell asleep early last night. I'm practically nocturnal, Tyler, you're really fucking me up right now.

The memory of last night caused another smile to appear on my face, and I decided to get dressed, to surprise Tyler. I took my new grey sweater, and headed to the bathroom. I sincerely wish I had the foresight to not fall asleep in my jeans, because I was extremely uncomfortable right now, but I didn't exactly bring other clothes to change into. Honestly, I'm just glad that I wore a beanie last night, because my hair was a mess, and Tyler's hair products, I have learned from experience, do not work on my hair. His locks were much thicker and longer, and not often washed in order to preserve the dye, unlike my natural and much shorter brown hair.

The grey sweater was actually a perfect fit for me, surprisingly, considering I was on the gangly side ( tall and thin ). It wasn't too short, meaning it was one size too small, yet it wasn't too baggy, meaning my actual size, so I wondered where Tyler got it.

While trying to situate my hair at least a little neater under my hat, my stomach grumbled loud enough for anyone within five feet of me to hear. I sighed, knowing that there was no ignoring it and waiting for Tyler to wake up, and decided to just eat something from the kitchen. I've never stayed the night at Tyler's before, but I've been here enough that I know he doesn't mind when I eat something from the cupboards or the fridge.

Tyler was still asleep on the couch, and arm thrown lazily over his head, but his faint snoring stopped completely, so I knew he'd be awake in forty-five minutes, tops. I smiled at his sleeping form, and took in his features, knowing I don't get many opportunities to do this openly. His lips parted slightly, inhaling and exhaling small breaths. His eyes shut lightly, with blond eyelashes and eyebrows to frame them. His now sea-foam colored hair, messy on top but not down like mine was when I woke up, still wearing my beanie. His stomach, where his shirt had ridden up slightly, revealing no more than his belly button, and his relatively hairless torso.

I know it sounds like a stalker, that I'm noticing and drinking in all of these tiny things, but if I'm going to think about Tyler one day, when he's not there, I want a crystal clear image of him burned on my eyelids. Though, I sincerely hope that he won't be completely gone from my life one day, if not by death. And I sincerely hope that death does us part in a long time.

Did I just throw wedding vows in my thought process including Tyler?

It's this very thought that causes me to look quickly away from him, blushing, though he couldn't see me or hear what I was thinking. I walked quickly into the kitchen, embarrassingly avoiding looking in his general direction, and grabbed a banana from this little wire basket that had all of the non-refrigerated fruit in it. It wasn't much, for now, but I also don't want to miss out on a better breakfast, since I don't know what Tyler does for Christmas morning. I nibbled slowly on the banana, letting my thoughts wander and not really paying attention to my annoyed stomach at the moment.

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