Chapter 5

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this is brea outfit
~~~~one week later~~~~~~~~
Ashton point of view yay!!!!!

It's been a week sense the night at Calum's. Brea and I are getting really close. Today I was going to ask her to go on a date, but I'm scared that she doesn't like me back. Maybe I should ask Sydney if she likes me brea and Sydney are great friends, so yeah.
~~~~~~at school~~~~~~~
I walk into school and go straight Sydney's looker. I walk over and see Sydney is getting books out of her locker.

"Hey Syd how's it going"I say walking up to her

"Oh hey ash yeah everything is fine"she says

"Cool so syd can I ask you a question"I ask

"You already did but sure"she says

"Does brea like me?"I ask looking at the ground

"Why do you like her"she ask

"Maybe"I say blushing

"YOU DO I KNOW IT"she yelled and I put my hand over her mouth

"Don't say it to loudI don't want anyone to know"I say she nods and I take my hand away

"Ok but don't tell brea I told you but she does like you"she says happily

"She does?"I say

"Yeah a lot but don't break her heart or I'll break you got that"she says threatening

"I won't I promise"I say smiling

"Ok so what you going to do"she ask

"Maybe ask her on a date?"I say nervously

"Good so do you want help I know like everything about her"she say confidently

"Sure that would be amazing"I says

"Ok so her dream date would be a picnic at the park and at sunset to have the perfect kiss"she says

"Oh yeah don't pack any pork she hates it" she says

"Ok thanks for the help it means a lot"I say giving her a hug

"Oh no problem ash" she say hugging back before letting go to get to class

"Bye syd"I wave her off

"Bye ash"she waves back
~~~~~at lunch~~~~~~~~~

I walk in the hallway to get to the cafeteria and see brea up ahead so I decide it's time to ask her.

"Hey brea wait up"I yell running up to her

"Hey ash"she says smiling showing her adorable dimples

"So brea may I ask you a question?"I ask nervously

"Sure ask away"she says stopping to talk in the now empty hallway

"So brea do you want to go on a date with me .....................I mean you don't have to" I say scratching the back of my neck

"I would love to go on a date with you so what should I wear"she ask smiling

"Casual ok and I'll pick you up at 6 ok"I say happily

"Ok I can't wait"she says

~~~~~skip to when at home~~~~~~
Brea's point of view
When I got home I called Sydney to tell her about the date with ash cause I don't know what to wear.

B-Brea the bae. S-Syd the bear

S- hey brea what you need

B-I need you to come over asap ok

S-ok I'll be there I 5 bye see you

B-K see you

I hang up and here a the door bell. I get it to see Sydney out of breath like she ran.

"Did you run"I ask she just nods

"Ok I need help with an outfit for my date with ashton" I say walking upstairs

"Ok" she said

"Wait why aren't you freaking out Ashton Irwin ask me out"I say questionably

"Well I might have know"she says

"How" I ask

"Well in the morning I was at my locker and ash came up to me and told me he likes you and said he was going to ask you to go on a date"she says

"Wait why did he tell you"I ask

"Oh yeah he wanted help for what to do for the date"she said go I going to my closet

"So where is he taking me" I ask

"Wait and find out"she says handing me a outfit ( the outfit at the top)

"Now go take a shower and put that outfit so I can do your hair and make up" she says pushing me into the bathroom.

"Ok ok I'm going gosh"I said closing the door,stripped turning on the shower hopping in.

When I was done I put on the outfit Sydney handed me and walked out to see Sydney waiting with a curling iron.

"Ok let me do your hair than make-up"she says

"Ok but only lipgloss and mascara"I say

"Ok let's get started"she say sitting me in to the chair

When she was all done it was 5:45 so I had time to kill and Sydney left already, so I walked downstairs sat on the couch and watch spongebob.

Thanks for reading hope you like it so far💕✨

Love u all😘

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