Chapter 16

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a/n: this is going to be a little sad and might be a trigger and don't be mad at me ok

Mikey's point of view (*-* yay)

Still at cal's

I wake up to see all the others sleeping and it makes me frown seeing all of them happy cuddling each other making me think of Nicole. I get up and walk in to the bathroom. i look at myself and start to cry all the voices are killing me

your pathetic that's why Nicole never loved you

you just a colored hair freak

that's why no one loves me

'the others love me' i think

they don't love you they just pity you

no one could love some like you

your just worthless


a wastes of space,

you don't deserve to live.

'shut up shut up'i scream punching the mirror

i fall on the floor crying clenching my bleeding hand

Syd's point of view

'shut up shut up' i hear a voice scream


i shot up intensely and i turn to see everyone else asleep, then i notice Michael gone. i get up intensely and run to where the noise came from the bathroom. i get to the door and try to open it, but it's locked. i start banging on the door and start to scream for mikey to open it

Mikey open the door!

i hear faint crying

come on mikey!

'go away'

mikey open the door it me syd!

'syd whats going on i' hear jaz from the living room

'guys come on mikey locked his self in the bathroom' i cry tears streaming down my face i hear a bunch of foot steps. i turn to see everyone standing there looking at me confused

'syd whats going on'cal says

'i woke to a bunch of yelling and the a loud smash and notice mikey wasn't in the living room and i imminently ran over here and the door was locked and i kept hearing crying'i say still crying

ash walks over and knocks 'come on mikey open the door'

go away we hear cry

'guys do something he could be hurting himself' i cry cal, Luke and ash look at each other and they all slam into the door the door breaks open and i rush in to see mikey on the floor with his fist against his chest and a smashed mirror in front of him. i rush over to him and wrap my arms around him and start to cry, while the guys are watching and jas and brea crying into their chest. when i'm done crying i get up and look at mikey. he finally looks up at me

'come on mikey lets get you cleaned up' i say putting my hand out he grabs it and i take him to the kitchen. i walk back over to the others and tell them to go to the living room. i walk back into the kitchen to see mikey sitting on the counter and i pull out the first aid kit. i grab the disinfectant and grab mikey's hand and put some on it and he hisses at the pain. he's looking down as i do this.

'mike look at me'i say he looks up

'why'd you do this you had me worried sick about you'i say as i wrap his hand

'i didn't think you guys would care like nicole'he whispers

'oh my god mikey is that why you did this' i say looking into his eyes that have tears coming down his face as he nods

'of course we care mikey we love you and will always care for you no matter what you do or who you are we love you for you'i say

'than why didn't nicole love me'he whispers

'because she didn't notice how kind,sweet,caring,amazing guy you are and its her lost'i say he hops of the table and looks me in the eyes(no their not going to kiss)

'thank you' he says wrapping his arms around me

'it's ok mike no matter what happens i'll always be there for you' i say hugging him back

'come on the other are worried' i say grabbing his hand pulling him into the living room where he gets attack by jaz and brea with a bone crushing hug and i love yous

'you fine mate' cal says hugging him after jaz and brea let go

'yeah i fine' he says with a general smile letting go of cal

'good don't ever do that ever again you had us worried sick' Luke says hugging him

'i won't'he says letting go of Luke

'you better who going to be there when i need a cuddle buddy when brea not here'ash says hugging him and mikey chuckles and lets go

'come on let's watch a movie' i say as we all sit down me in between mikey and cal

in the middle of toy story

my phone start to ring i get up and see it's Nicole

'what' i say rudely

'wow hi to you too'she says laughing

'why are you calling me' i say impatiently

'wow whats you deal i just calling telling you i moved to victoria' she says

'i know and my deal is that you told mikey you never like him'i say

'oh he told you um yeah i did why does that matter'she says her voice sounded like she doesn't care

'it matters because he actually like you and you hurt him i had to find him crying because of you' i say angrily

'wow ok take a chill pill its not my fault he like me' she says

'no who are you wheres the Nicole that was so into mikey when they first meet huh wheres that Nicole' i say

'i never actually like him i was just nice to him because he was in a band I was actually trying to get cal but you just had to move right next door next to him maybe i should have called brea at least she was more chill' she says making my blood boil

'listen and listen good calum would never like someone like you bitch and don't you dare try to contact any of us ever again' i say hanging up. i walk back into he living room and sit back down putting my feet on mikey and my head on cal's shoulder

'everything alright' cal whispers

'yeah' i whisper back

i start to fall asleep

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Thanks for reading polar bears sorry for being so late i will try to post every weekend but i might be busy with school. love you polar bears hope you enjoyed

New girl  (5sos and Calum hood)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora