Chapter 13

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Jasmine's point of view

Yay lunch time. I'm waking with Sydney right now to get to the lunch table with our food

"So I heard you and Luke are going on a date"syd says

"Yeah I can't believe it"I say

"Believe what"I hear Eve say

"That Luke asked her out"syd says as we stop walking

"Ha like that will ever happen why would he ask you out" she says

"Well he did so back off"I say getting in her face

"Yeah right your probably lying" she says pushing me

"Hey don't touch her"syd says

"Hey babe"Calum says showing up behind syd putting his arms around her knowing what's going on

"Hey jas you ok"cal ask

"Yeah just eve"I say

"At least I'm not a liar"Eve says

"Liar about what"Luke says showing up with his food

"Oh that you ask jasmine put on a date" she says

"I did is there a problem with that"he says putting his arm around me

"But your so and she's so uhhh"she say walking away

"Well that's it lets go eat" syd says

Skip to getting home

"Come on let watch once upon a time"I say dragging syd upstairs to my room

"Ok but you have to get ready for you date with Luke at 6"syd says

Skip to getting ready

"Ok I got hair you go and take a shower and put this on (out fit at the top/side)"syd says pushing ,e into the bathroom

"Ok ok"I close the door take a shower and put on the outfit. I walk out and sit in front of my mirror

"Ok no I do hair you do makeup"syd says starting to curl my hair

Skip to when Luke gets there


"Oh my gosh he's here"syd says

"Do I look ok"I say looking back to the mirror

"You look amazing now go get your man"she says dragging me down the stairs to the door

"Ok no or never" I whisper I turn the door knob and open the door to see Luke

"Wow"Luke says looking at me

"Hey Luke"I say

"Hey jasmine you look wow"he says

"Thanks"I say blushing

"Ok bye now bring here back bye midnight Luke no later"syd says pushing me out the door

"Bye syd"me and Luke say at the same time as we walk of to Luke's jeep

"Ok so where are we going"I ask getting into the jeep

"Surprise"he says

"You know I don't like surprises"I say

"You'll like this one"he says

"Yeah that's what my dad said before my uncle ended up with a black eye"said laughing

"What you gave your uncle a black eye"he says laughing

"It wasn't my fault it was my tenth surprise birthday party, when everyone jump out my uncle was right in front of me so I just punch him out of fear" I said giggling

"We're here but don't punch me"he says chuckling getting out opening my doo

"No promises" I say getting out

"Shall we" he says taking out his hand

"We shall" I say taking his hand

As we walk Luke puts his arm around my waist and squeeze my hand.

"Ok where here close your eyes"he says covering my eyes guiding me forwarded

"Ok here it is" he says uncovering my eyes

"Oh. My. Gosh. " I say eyes wide at the scene in front of me

It was a small movie area in the back of a truck. A projected on the top of the hood.mA big white sheet that's must be that screen hang on a tree. And there are blankets all on the floor of the truck to make it comfy.

"You did this all for me"I ask looking at Luke stepping towards it

"Yes do you like it"he says scratching the back of his neck stepping back

"Like it..... I love it thank you"I say running into his arms

"No ones done this for me before not even my ex Will (HAHAHA FOR YOU JASMINE)" I say

"Your welcome why wouldn't I do this your an amazing person"he says I look down blushing

"Hey it's true"he say using his pointer finger picking up my chin looking me in the eyes

"You are a beautiful person, they way your eyes sparkle when your happy, the way you giggle is adorable, and the way you don't care what people thing is amazing"he says

"You really think of me like that"I ask blushing

"Yeah I do and I have one question will you be my girlfriend" he says I grab he face and kiss him passionately. As we pull away we look into each other's eyes

"Yes I'll be your girlfriend"I say

Hey my polar bear I love you and thanks for reading hope that you in joyed. And jasmine I love you girl for you!!!!!💕😍💖💝🎉🎊😳😍.

P.s sorry for not writing been busy love you all😘

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