Yaoi fangirl

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Warning: Very mild sexual references. *creepy face*

About a half hour later, me, Seru, Lapis and Oliver are still running around the dorms, playing knock-down-ginger. We come to the end of the hall on the second floor, and decide to knock on the red and white door on the left.

The other three run to hide behind a big plant, and I go up to the door. But before I can do anything, it opens and a tall guy with light brown hair is standing in front of me. He's wearing a unicorn horn. Then, I notice his hair is messy and several buttons on his shirt are undone. It's fairly obvious he's been having, ahem, fun, with whoever else is inside.

"Ummmmmmmmm, Hi?" I say awkwardly.

He curses under his breath. "Shhhh..." He tells me, sneaking out of the room and quietly shutting the door. Once he's several steps away, he turns around and tells me, "You saw nothing." then he sprints away and disappears.

I turn around and look at everyone. "Um. That was weird... Again..."

Right after I say this, Oliver and Lapis burst out laughing. "Oh my god, Tonio's secret girlfriend is Big Al?!" Lapis shrieks, falling onto the floor. "I can't believe it! I mean, with him you've gotta expect surprises but... AL?! Would've thought it was Leon or something!"

Me and Seru stare at each other.

"WHUT??" I say loudly.

Oliver wipes his eye, still laughing. "The guy who just came out of there, Tonio, has been boasting that he got a girlfriend for weeks... But that's Big Al's house! Which means Tonio doesn't have a girlfriend, he has a boyfriend!"

"Yeah, everyone has suspected that he's gay for absolutely ages, because, well, you saw him. But he would never say who he was going out with... But I guess no one suspected it was Big Al!"

"Wait, so he's gay?" I say. "Aweeee!!" Me and Seru squeal simultaneously. "Let's go talk to him!"

"Wait, but he's probably asleep!" Oliver says, but I've already knocked on the door.

The four of us stand for about half a minute, before the door opens and Big Al steps out. He's even taller than Tonio, has dark hair and seems to have stitches running across his head.

"Uhh... Hello?" He says. I nearly squee at his accent, it's so adorable.
"Hello," I smile widely at him. "We are, uhh..." I trail off. "Conducting a survey! Would you please answer some questions?"

"Um... Okay, then," he replies, shifting his weight onto one leg and leaning on the door frame.

"Thank you," I say. "The first question is, do you believe in mythical creatures, such as fairies, dragons, unicorns maybe?"

His eyes light up a little when I say the word unicorns. "Um, no I don't." He says, brushing it off.

"Alright then. What is your opinion on people who do believe in said mythical creatures?"

"Ha, I know a guy like that..." He zones out for a few seconds. "He's so ho-- Nice! He's really nice!"

"Hmm... Okay next question." I say. "Do you find yourself sexually attracted to men who wear unicorn horns?"

His eyes widen, and he looks awkwardly off to the side. "N-no," he splutters, blushing.

"Thank you for your time," I say, trying not to burst out laughing. "We'll be going now." The four of us run as fast as we can away from Big Al's room, laughing our faces off.

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