Fun At VocaMall

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A/N: Next chapter might be about Milkie's birthday! If I get the stuff with Yuuma done before, that is. So you guys might get two chapters in two days, omg.


"Shopping, shopping, shopping, yeah..." I sing. "Hold on, do I even have money?"

"Maybe... Look in your pocket." Oliver says.

"I don't have a pocket..." I say. "Oh wait, never mind. I do." I look inside, and magically, there's a coin purse inside.

"Really? A coin purse? How old are you?"

"Fourteen. How old are you?"


"Exactly." I open up the purse and look inside. "So umm... How does this money work again?" I ask.

"Look. The red ones are worth one, the red-orange ones are worth two, then these orange ones are five..."

"Jeez. What if someone's colourblind? Then what would they do?"

"Hey guys, does my butt look big in this?" Lapis calls.

"Yah, gurl," Seru says. "You should buy it."

"Really? Eh, okay then." Lapis shrugs, throwing the thing she was going to buy at the girl at the checkout.

"What should I get?" Oliver says, looking at some skimpy shota outfits.

"Stop being a shota in public!" The cashier says.

"No!" Oliver says in a shota voice.

"Ooh! He showed me!" She says.

"Yeah I did. This one please." Oliver dumps the frilliest one covered in bells on the counter.

"Nice choice! May I recommend matching sheep horns?" She says.

"Okay! Thank you!"

"I'm gonna get... This." I point at something random.

"Really? You want that?" Lapis asks me.

"Well, I guess every Vocaloid needs a swimsuit costume at some point." Says Oliver.

"Wait, this is a swimsuit?!" I pick it up. "But it's a fluffy duckling costume!" I say indignantly.

"Where do you think ducks live, huh? Wow, you're stupid." Lapis says.

"Ugh, screw you. What are you gonna get Seru?"

"This llama shirt!"


We all pay for our stuff.

"Thank you, Anon!" Seru says, reading the name off her name tag.

"You're welcome, Llama!" Says Anon.

"My name's not Llama, it's SERU Llama!" She yells.

"Well excuuuuuuuse me!" Anon replies. "Get out, I've gotta serve this customer." She nods at a girl with a blonde ponytail.

"That's your twin, not a customer!" Seru cries.



We all leave. "What time is it?" I ask Lapis.

"It's been like thee minutes since we left." She sighs. "Yuuma'll never get off work! Aghh!"

"He will eventually," Oliver offers. "And there's lots of stuff to do here, VocaMall is huge."

"MMDMall is huger." Lapis says, pouting.

"Yeah well is there a Yuma there? No? I didn't think so." Oliver says.

"There probably is. But he wouldn't be as good."

"Yep, you're right." I nod. "You have to stick to who you originally fall for."

"Like you did?" Seru snickers.

"Shut up, I'm sensitive about that," I sniffle.

"ANYway," Lapis says. "Can we go do something else? I'm bored."

"Sure, if you want." I say.

"We can see a moooooovie," Seru says.

"Ooh, a moooooovie," Oliver says. "Wait. I swear we've got like thirty minutes before Yuuma gets off."

"Oh yeah..."

"Well that sucks."

"Okay, well, what else can we do?"


"In a shopping mall?"

"Good point."

And so, the four of us are stuck for something to do.

"I KNOW WHAT WE CAN DO!!" Lapis yells suddenly, running off in a random direction, and leaving us to run behind her. She skids to a stop right in front of one of those mini carousels that you put a pound in to make it go.

"Who /are/ these characters?" I ask, looking incredulously at their deranged faces.

"I have no idea." Lapis says, sitting in a car that has a boy with a red ponytail on it.

"This won't last us the rest of the time." I scoff, getting in the nearest car as Seru and Oliver follow behind me.


"WHEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!" I scream, headbanging as the car goes round and round at breakneck speeds.

"THIS IS THE BEST THING EVER!!!!!" Seru yells back.

"EVEN BETTER THAN BEING DONE IN THE BUTT!!" Oliver yells. "Not that I know what that feels like."

"OH MY GOD OLIVER YOU'RE TWELVE." Lapis yells, hanging onto the car for dear life.


As the ride comes to a stop, we all get out and pat down our hair that got all messed up from the ride. Oliver looks at his phone, then yells,


We all shriek and sprint for it, barreling other random Vocaloids out of the way as we go. We finally reach the pretzel stand again, and Yuuma is just to take his apron off.

"Hi Yuuma! We're back!" Lapis calls cheerfully, waving both arms at him as she does so. Yuuma busts out a winning smile, pulling off his beanie and shaking out his hair as he does so. We all swoon.

"So handsome... So manly..." Lapis whispers happily. She skips over and we wait by the tables. We all grin as Yuuma smiles down at Lapis- they'll make a great couple.

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