Brothers and Sisters

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On the way back, we see a dark-skinned girl with purplish hair going past with an angry pout on her face. Lapis calls out to her.

''Hey Merli! Look!'' She yells at her. The girl looks over, and the pout fades a little as she sees them.

''Oh, hey, Lapis. Hey, Yuuma. Are you two finally dating now?'' She asks in a dry tone.

Lapis and Yuuma look at each other shyly, obviously wanting to say yes.

''Are we?'' Lapis whispers.

''We are if you want to be,'' Yuuma answers quietly, biting the inside of his bottom lip.

''I do.'' She says, blushing a little.


''Yeah!'' Lapis yells at Merli, her face shining. ''We are!''

Merli smiles, although she tries to hide it from us, and she yells back something about being in a hurry. Lapis waves and she runs off.

''Who's that?''

''That was my sister Merli. She's kinda grumpy at first but underneath she's really sweet. I have no idea where she's going though.''

''Probably to that sparkly dark forest where she hides all her Alpacassos.'' Yuuma quips, making Lapis giggle.

''You know you love Alpacassos.''

Yuuma seems like he's about to protest, but he slumps and nods. ''Yeah, I do.''

''Yup. I'll take you there sometime.''

''I'm not sure how happy Merli will be about that.'' Yuuma says worriedly, but Lapis pats his head.

''Don't worry, I've never not been able to twist her arm. We can go there.''

I look at her with a :3 face. She looks back with a :3 face. We look at the big entrance to the dormitories with a :3 face. I wonder if there's any more fun we can have before we have to go to bed.

''Guys, guys, can we go and see Hio? I was supposed to check in with him when I got home.'' Oliver asks, looking at us a little nervously.

''Sure, why not?'' I say. I'm not really sure why Oliver is nervous.

''It's just... He's a little... Weird.'' Oliver says.

''Hah? How?''

''You know... He talks kinda funny... Reads a lot of manga... Completely obsessed with Samurai?''

''That doesn't sound so bad,'' Seru says.

''It is kinda bad.'' Lapis says. ''I've seen Yohio chasing around after Gakupo.''

''Ah well, whatever, Gakupo's not here, is he?'' Yuuma pipes up. ''It's okay, we can see Yohio. Or we can wait if you want to see him.''

''Uhmm...'' Oliver is deciding when the front door slams open.

A purple-ponytailed man runs out the door, screaming his head off. He kicks the door shut smoothly and without slowing down, and he almost trips over us as be sprints past.

''Sorry kids! I gotta go!'' He yells over his shoulder at us (mainly Oliver) and disappears into the distance.

Then, the door slams open again, and a guy with crazy blonde hair tries to chase after the first guy, but he stoops and collapses on Oliver.

''Dang... It... He... Got... Away... Again...'' The blonde guy mutters between laboured breaths. Oliver holds him up, a worried look on his face.

''Yohio, you have to stop chasing around Gakupo like that,'' he chides. ''You know he doesn't like it.''

''But... But...'' Yohio takes one last second to get his breath back. ''But he's a samurai!'' Yohio wails.

''I know he's a samurai, but you are a grown man who should know better,'' Oliver says. The rest of us just look on a little awkwardly at the display.

''I'm sorry.'' Oliver says to us as Yohio hangs his head disappointedly. ''If you two hadn't guessed, this is YohioLoid. He's my brother. Also the guy he was chasing was Gakupo.''

Me and Seru nod understandingly. Yuuma's head tilts and Lapis giggles nervously. Neither of them seem to like Yohio very much. Either that, or they think he's not right in the head. Probably both.

''Anyway, Oliver, are these your friends?'' Yohio asks, smiling down at us sweetly. I smile back brightly.

''Yes! We all made friends in like, a day! Pretty fast, right?''

''Wow, I wish I could make friends with Gakky-Senpai that fast.'' Yohio says dreamily. Oliver sighs and hits him on the arm.

''Yes, Hio, these are my friends. Their names are Lapis, Yuuma, Seru, and Milkie.'' He lists us off in order and we all wave in turn. Yohio beams down at us.

''That's great! I wish you all a long and happy friendship!'' Yohio says cheerfully. He excuses himself, promising not to keep chasing Gakupo, and walks off.

I look at Oliver. ''HE'S your brother?''

Oliver nods sheepishly.

''I guess you look a little bit alike, but your personalities couldn't be more different!''

''Aren't all siblings like that?'' Lapis ponders. ''Where did this thing that siblings are supposed to be alike come from, anyway? I'm nothing like my sister.''

I think about it a second. ''Yeah, I guess you're right, Lapis,''

''Weird.'' Yuuma says, and Seru nods.

''Anyway, what are we gonna do now?''

''We could have a sleepover!'' Lapis says excitedly.


''I don't want to go to a GIRL sleepover,'' Yuuma says. ''Eeeew.''

''Well, okay, Yuuma,'' Lapis says. ''We can invite your friends too. Who do you want to come?''

''Well... Uhh...'' Yuuma trails off. ''There's Len and Piko, but they would probably like a girly sleepover. And so would Lui... And so would Mizki... God damn it, why do I have such girly friends!'' Yuuma cries, putting his head in his hands shamefully.

''We can still invite them,'' Oliver pipes up.

''Yeah, it'll be fun. And think about it Yuuma, you get to be the manliest man there,'' Lapis teases.

''Okay, sure, fine,'' Yuuma agrees. ''Should we go find them?''

''Yeah!'' We chorus.

Yuuma nods, and we run off inside the dormitories.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2015 ⏰

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