Non-Inhuman Creatures

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Although The Wasteland is scarcely inhabited there are some creatures that are not Inhumans that call this place their home. These creatures are not Inhumans due to the fact that they are not sentient. Sentience is a requirement for a living thing to be classified as an inhuman. All of the following creatures are aggressive and should therefore be avoided unless you suspect you have a chance against them.


These creatures are fairly common and seem to thrive in this environment for some strange reason. Most who encounter these pack hunters do not live to tell the tale or what they look like. It is known though that their most common form of attack/defense is their sharp claws. I do not know what they look like but from what I have heard they are completely black and are therefore profitable hunters. I have even once heard of a man who had a whole pack under his control until they ran out of food and decided to attack their "owner". I have seen their tracks before and can tell that they seem to be quadrupeds and walk with four legs.


Creepers are a bit rarer than Stalkers as they seem to prefer mountains and large rock piles to make their nests. I myself have had the luck to see one of these creatures and can therefore describe them better than I could the Stalkers. These creatures have eight legs with which they can climb over and traverse these mountains. Their exoskeleton is orange-brownish in color which helps them blend into the darkness. Glowing spots dot their bodies. I know that these are either eyes or sensors they use to tell what is around them. They are small creatures, only as big as the palm of my hand*. They have stingers on the tips of each of these legs that they use to hunt prey. The venom from these stingers is very deadly and will ensure your death. Luckily the venom will cause you to die in your sleep so I do not think that it would be painful. They dwell in swarms and I was very careful not to get too close to their nest since they are opportunistic feeders.

I know they are this size because of a rock I had in my hand that I accidentally dropped near the nest, after which I ran for my life. Never do this on purpose.


From what I have heard about these elusive creatures they can turn into any shape and can become any color. Because of this there is not much of a description of what they look like. They seem to hunt by mimicking the sounds of a human in distress and also becoming one. It is easy to tell if someone is one of these or not by the fact that they will almost immediately attack you when they first see you. I have heard from a traveler that once one of these started making some sounds that drew some Stalkers away from him and saved his life. I wouldn't think that was on purpose though.

                                                                          The Crusher

No one knows exactly what this thing is. It's incredibly large and eats everything in it wake! It's bigger than the mountains and bigger than our little town of Greenleaf! How do I know this? One day when I was sitting on top of my residence I saw the humungous thing in the distance! I was scared for me and my town but it seemed to not notice. It was dark out like always and I could barely see it, but I could tell it was some shade of yellow. I could also tell it ate a small mountain whole. How much does this thing eat, and is there more of them?! I sure hope not, but, I don't think so. If there were, we'd see this giant creature more often then not.


Unlike most of the creatures on this list these creatures barely don't qualify as Inhumans. They are relatively intelligent and will target people to sting with their spiked tails. They are a sort of burgundy color which helps them blend into their environment. I have heard a many things about them but alas, have never seen one myself. From what I have heard they have a slight bit of sentience, but not enough to qualify as an Inhuman. They will often hide behind rocks or other sorts of debris, waiting for a "lucky person" to come by. Once they have been approached they will jump out, latch onto the human who has been spotted by them and sting them with their venom rapidly. They seem to target the brain since that is what they aim to affect, but will happily sting anywhere else on the victim. After they have done that they will rejoice and make almost unintelligible sounds. From what I have heard they sound scarcely like 'you lucky person! You should be so happy!' and 'Now you don't have to worry about anything, you'll always be happy, happy!' and also other remarks of the sort telling the victim that they should be rejoicing after being stung by them. What they say is partly true.

After being stung by one they will begin to become a Neckel, a type of inhuman known for always being in good spirits. I will go into more detail about them in their specific chapter but I will say that they are ALWAYS happy.


Goo is an interesting thing since it comes in so many different varieties. It is a fairly uncommon sort of thing but when encountered should be avoided. It is a sort of liquid/solid that can turn other things around it into the substance it is made out of. They seem to be very feral and having almost no functions other then seeking out more objects to consume, and therefore grow larger. This substance comes in many different variations such as being more liquidity or being more solid. It comes in a variety of colors that I think there is no limit to as far as I know. They can grow to any size depending on how much they have each in leading to some being very large. If they spot you they will begin to try to consume you. If this is to happen try to get away from the Goo. This is a fairly easy task since they are very dim witted and can simply be distracted by throwing objects at them. If the Goo in particular is bigger then you may have a harder time since it may be able to move faster. Strangely, some Goo's is so liquid that it's a puddle or so solid it can't move at all. I do not know anything of these creatures or where they come from, but they seem to just appear and disappear whenever you aren't watching. There have even been times when a very big Goo has been on the horizon and gone in a few minutes.

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