Challenge To Truly Prove

Start from the beginning

His eyes were red, three moles stood out on his left ear while a smirk sat on his face. In the room was what looked like a bowl full or roses which had some frozen for whatever reason, and a sword laid against a wall with luck written on it, a P shaped in blood also made it spell blood.

He jumped back, standing on the guard rail of the balcony which had a number of flames lit along it. The man's right eye seemed to be damaged as it was closed slightly, although his face remained the same.

A swift movement was made by him, his hands clapped together as Jonathan disappeared into Y/N and his eyes light up in a blue hue. Strength filling him before the man lept into the air.

Dio: WRYYYY! I'll squeeze the life out of you!

His hand thrust towards Y/N making him roll out the way, Hamon crackling around his fists before he threw it at Dio. However he grabbed it, Y/N's hand flash freezing which made him gasp in pain.

Dio: You fool, Jonathan! Hamon is Useless against me!

The, now revealed to be, Vampire shoved his fingers into Y/N's neck as his clutched the teen's frozen hand, crushing it. He cried out as his blood was drained, falling to his knees as the life drained from his eyes.

A gasp escaped him as he opened his eyes, looking around to see he was back in the beginning room. Panting slightly he saw Jonathan before slowly backing away from the door.

Y/N: What the hell was that...?!

Jonathan: That was Dio, one of the most vile people that ever lived, and your trial

Y/N: Don't you think it would've been fair to tell me any of that!? I'm sure you knew what he was capable of before hand!

Jonathan: Yes, i should have, i'm sorry. But, this is what you need to overcome if you want a chance to beat Roman

Looking down to his hands he took a few deep breaths before nodding as Jonathan faded into the teen. Turning his gaze back up Y/N opened the door and walked inside, Hamon crackling around him.

Dio stood there once again as Y/N slowly approached him. Leaping back onto the guard rail Dio glared at Y/N before the teen slammed his fist onto the ground and sent Hamon towards the vampire.

However he jumped up, going to slam his foot down on Y/N making the teen roll out the way before he grabbed a handful of roses and infused them with Hamon, tossing it at Dio.

The Vampire quickly struck them all, freezing them which made them wall to the floor before Y/N went around to his right side and thrust his hand towards Dio, going hit him in his blind side.

Dio: Useless, Useless, Useless, Useless! Did you forget i can freeze you at a touch!?

Y/N: I didn't, that's why i'm not touching you!

Before Dio could counter attack he saw that the floor below them was missing a brick. Y/N slammed a brick into the side of Dio's head, infusing it with Hamon and sending it into the Vampire.

Y/N: Sendo Hamon Overdrive!

The Vampire cried out in pain before he thrust two fingers up and touched the brick as his hand froze, the brick starting to crumble which made Y/N jump away to avoid getting his hand frozen.

Grabbing the side of his head as a small part of it had been melted by Hamon, a small smirk appeared on Y/N's face as he watched the Vampire writhe in pain from it.

Dio: Gah! H-How dare you touch me, with your Hamon that's dirtier then rat piss!?

In the moment of Y/N's cockiness Dio looked to him before a laser shot from his eyes, Y/N quickly raised his hands in defence although it went clean through his palms and slashed along the side of his neck.

He stumbled back, towards the edge of the balcony as blood ran down his neck and he had a hard time closing his hands. Dio kicked himself forward and chopped his hands at the teen, going to decapitate him.

Y/N: R-Rebuff Overdrive!

The teen swiftly raised his elbows, blocking the attack as Hamon and Ice clashed against each other. Dio grinned as he tried to freeze Y/N's arms, but nothing happened making his eyes widen.

Looking to where his hands and Y/N's elbows met he saw that when the teen stumbled back he light his sleeves on fire, therefore negating him from freezing the teen.

Dio: You set your sleeves on fire with one of the flames along the balcony! That stumble was mearly a ploy!

Y/N: I'll rid the world of your evil, Dio!

A sudden crack could be heard, Dio's arms melting as the flame overpowered the Vampire's attempt at freezing Y/N's arms. He cried out, laser once again shooting out from his eyes but Y/N dodged, it only cutting along the side of his head.

Y/N: Sunlight Yellow Overdrive!

He sent out a ferocious flurry of punches, each one sending Hamon into Dio as he wasn't able to freeze them properly due to the teens arms being set ablaze, leaving him victim to the blows.

A final punch struck Dio under his jaw, throwing his above the teen and making him fall of the balcony was being torn apart by the Hamon that was flowing through his body, making his experience pain unlike ever before.

Falling to his knees after tossing off his top and patting down the remaining flames Y/N panted, exhausted before Jonathan came out from his body as a look of sadness appeared on his face for a moment before he turned to the teen and smiled.

Jonathan: ...I'm proud to say this, Y/N. You've surpassed me, well done, my descendant


A body fell to the floor as Roman pulled his fingers out their neck, his legs had healed already but the more people's blood he drained the stronger he got, and the more Zombies he gained.

In front of him a Seer Grimm came out ghe shadows, brought along due to Cinder managing to send a message back to Salem. Leaning back in his chair as the corpse rose up he stared at the Grimm, issuing the Zombie to leave.

Salem: What is it you want?

Roman: Many things, which will all be amassed in due time. You know this was because Cinder, right?

Salem: I do. And i want to offer you a place at my side

Roman: That's nice, but...

He summoned Cream and it quickly crushed the Grimm which made it disappear into ash as a smirk appeared on the Vampire's face as the Zombies above him opened their eyes to make a wave of red pupils shine in the dark.

Roman: I surpass you. Now then, to find that traitor... once i find her, she'll follow my every will

His hair started to move on it's own as Cinder, Mercury and Emerald behind him, all having flesh buds implanted in them. The Vampire's hair coiled together to form spikes, his hat falling off which he stepped on once standing up.

(Lemme know what you think)

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