Secret Crush

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"Hmm?" I responded and took out one of my AirPods in order to hear my best friend Minseo clearly. "Is something up?" I asked.

"Yeah. Have you considered coming with me to that concert I've been telling you about?"

" know he's going to be there," I said and looked back down at my notes.

"Of course I know. He's the one who invited us remember. He really misses hanging out and you can't avoid him forever."

"Sure, Moonbin's my friend but I avoid him for his own benefit," I said and stopped my music.

"His benefit? You're avoiding the possibility of being rejected by him and I know it."

"It's not that easy to just walk up to him and tell him how I feel. I've had a crush on him for 3 years now, what if he crushes my feelings?"

"He won't. Just trust me for once, you'll end up regretting it when somebody else tells him how they feel."

"I can't do i-"

"If you dont come then I'll tell him mysel-"

"Ok. Ok. I got it. I'll get changed then," I said and packed all my books back into my bag before heading to my room. I changed into a cute floral dress with a pair of cute black heels and I tied my hair up into a neat ponytail. I got my white handbag and then walked out to see Minseo raiding my fridge for a snack. "Hey! This is still my apartment you know that right? Get out of my fridge dude," I said and pulled her shirt slightly.

"You we're taking too long so I was grabbing an apple," she said while closing my fridge. "Are you ready?" She asked me. I nodded and we went downstairs to her car. We drove together to the event venue and when we stepped out of the car we saw all the fans hanging around the outside of the venue. Minseo grabbed her phone and called someone. I couldn't hear her conversation over the sounds of girls screaming about their biases. "Y/N! Let's go," she said. I followed her into the venue and looked around at how everything was set up. When I turned forward again my eyes met someone else's. It was him. I started to blush a bit and looked down to avoid eye contact with him.

"Y/N/N! Minnie!" Moonbin shouted while running over to us both. "I'm so glad you guys could make it. You both look amazing."

"I wouldn't miss an invitation to any of your events," Minseo said perkily. "I have to go greet the others. I'll meet up with you later," she said and walked away leaving me alone.

"Hey," I managed to say and look up at him again.

"Are you ok? Your face seems really red. Do you have a fever?" He asked and placed his hand against my forehead which made me turn redder. I moved his hand away slowly and smiled nervously.

"I'm perfectly fine. I've actually been meaning to speak to you about something," I said during the awkward silence between us.

"Ok, don't be afraid to spit it out," he said and smiled warmly.

"I don't know where to even start with this. We've been friends for 6 years now and they have been the best 6 years of my life. I don't know how to say this," I said and sighed because I didn't have the corrects words. He was looking at me confused. "Ya! Moonbin! I like you ok," I blurted out, which caught him off guard completely. He was dumbstruck for awhile before he started chuckling.

"I know."

"Y-you know?" I asked him shocked. "How long?"

"A couple of months now."

"Why didn't you say anything?!"

"I wanted you to figure out that I like you too," he said with a bright smile.

"You what?" He chuckled a bit and held my shoulders and leaned forward towards my face.

"I like you Y/N," he said while switching his gaze from each of my eyes. I started turn red from head to toe and covered my face with my hands from embarrassment.

"You suck," I said trying to hide my excitement.

"You're here to watch the show right? Let's go out after this," he suggested. I nodded as I slowly moved my hands away. He chuckled again and personally lead me to my seat. We ended up going past a coffee place after the concert. It was the happiest day of my life.

I'm not good with fluff  😅💔

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2020 ⏰

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