Used to be mine

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A few weeks later
Today was the day we planned to take over the wolf's den. I'd gone beyond gaining their trust and became more of a scout for both teams, as I leaned on the table while Eli complained about stashes 'miraculously being found' and 'hunters getting closer'. all this was because I'd radioed the project saying where they all were and how many people were there. They knew exactly where everything was so they were sending some followers to try and take over the base of operations.

I heard them burst through the door behind me  "sinners, all of them! Disgracing the word of the father" I chuckled lightly "Eli, you claim to know the seeds well, yet you can't tell when one is standing inches from you...for weeks" the look in his eyes of betrayal as he added the pieces together "so you did turn" I scoffed " 'turn'?! I'm not a zombie, well I've been almost dead twice now so I guess you could be right, I'll let you know if I start craving brains"

If wheaty wasn't so scared, he'd probably laugh at that "I never really lied to you, Eli. Only a few tweaks to make my story believable" I shrugged as I slammed Joseph's bible down on the table "maybe if you gave us a chance, you'd know who I really am" Tammy eyed Eli "oh and maybe listen to Tammy once in a while" she squinted at me harshly I tapped my fingers on the book and sighed "take what we need, who we need, and pretty much everything" I turned my back on the action and strolled out.

I was finally free from that bunker, sure it was well prepared but not well defended. I quickly found a bliss-induced stream and refreshed myself in it "Father protect me" in that moment of peace, all I felt was blessed. Nothing else mattered, it was just me here with the sound of rushing water, nothing could break my concentration. I sighed breaking the moment and stood from the floor brushing off any excess dirt that clung to my clothes. My feet made their way back to the closest cult outpost where I could gather up on supplies before making my way towards Joseph's island.

I was well aware everyone had separated again to their sections of hope county but what does that mean for me? It's not that I need an island, I'd prefer to be without one but Joseph was an opportunist so he wouldn't waste the chance to grab more land before the collapse. And there was a town I was hoping he'd pick. My bet is that Newt and the others headed towards the town we talked about going to together instead of going here...storybrooke. Apparently that place was full of hope and faith alongside other 'garden of eden' qualities, it was a perfect target. And it meant I could see him again.

It was a far fetched plan but at least it was something to hold onto. It's better than nothing. I remember those nights where I used to drift off with nothing but the sound of his steady heartbeat in my ear. It was one of the most beautiful things I'd ever heard...still is to this day. Once I entered the compound, more followers greeted me muttered things I didn't quite understand, my only guess is that they were fresh out of the bliss still with their head spinning.

A sermon could be heard as I neared the church where a woman stood that I didn't recognise, I managed to slip in one of the side doors only to find officers of the law nearing Joseph. I felt my heartbeat quicken for my brother's safety "Joseph Seed, you are under arrest for suspicion of kidnapping and the intent to harm. I want you to step forward with your hands where I can see them" I edged my way around the edge of the church so I was just a little away from Jacob and the others. The cops seemed surprised that there was an fifth seed.

I put on my cherub act and folded my hands behind my back watching as the scene played out "there they are, the locusts in our garden, see they've come for me, they've come to take me away from you, they've come to destroy all that we've built" most of the followers were now standing and nearing the intruders. I felt someone's hand come into contact with my shoulders lightly so when I looked back, I saw faith giving me a slight smile and just from that, I knew everything would be okay.

I watched my brother step forward off the steps and join the followers "we knew this moment would come. We have prepared it . Go...Go" I didn't know if I was meant to leave as well but I stayed with my family watching the flow of people leave the building "god will not let them take me" I started to fiddle with my fingers behind my back nervously "I saw when the lamb opened the first seal, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, One of the four beasts say, come and see-""Step. Forward." Faith slowly returned back to space in front of John to get a better look at things "and I saw, behold it was a white horse... and hell followed with him"

I tuned out the bad language they used towards the man and watched as he raised his hands to be cuffed. Part of me wondered if Joseph had done something wrong then I worked out that this whole cult was considered 'wrong' "god will not let you take me" the new rookie seemed to be unsure of what do but did as they were told cuffing Joseph roughly. I knew if i did something to stop them, it would show I didn't have faith in the father when I did, very much so.

"Sometimes the best thing to do... is to leave well enough alone" as soon as he left the church, I started to wander towards the doors, from the doorway I watched as they pushed our people back as they stole our leader. And yet Joseph still looked so calm? I understand belief and dedication but this seemed more than seemed like something I didn't quite understand. "How far do you think the lord will let them take him?" I glanced at John then back out the door "we'll have to wait and see" me being the impatient girl I was, I made my way back to the house and went to find my bed which was without occupation.

The Seed of HopeМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя