The Reaping Has Begun

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The next day

I woke up and next was gone, everyone was outside. I got up and got ready then went to join the others "What's going?" They were all staring at the doors of the maze, I felt someone's hands on my shoulders "we found a way out, we're finally free. No time to explain just run and follow" I heard newt getting ready to leave and just like that the doors opened and we ran, I was faster than newt but I couldn't bare the thought of him being left behind or lost so I stayed at his pace, even when grievers started coming from everywhere, then we got into a strange chamber and then we were free. Chuck was dead with a few others, I was blacking out then I fell to the floor, I heard people shout my name and someone catch me when I finally fell. Then I felt them fall.

Who knows how long later

When we woke again, we were on the edge of a road with a load of people in pale sweaters with some kind of cross on it, I saw the others struggling "The father asks you to join him and aid us through the collapse,you will comply with what he asks of you" one of them was going for my leg to drag me, I kicked out hitting him in the face and grabbed his rifle "you have disgraced the seed name and shall be punished for your sins" i aimed it at him "woah woah, ok owl put the gun down alright?" Thomas clearly didn't understand that these guys wanted to take me back to my 'family' and torture the rest of the runners, I grabbed a throwing knife from the pile of weapons we had been stripped of and sliced their necks "we need to move,now" I threw the gun down and grabbed my bow "they didn't need to die owl!" I spun on my heels "if they didn't, they would of told the cult we were here, and you'd all get tortured. They don't know what they're doing, I'm saving you guys"

I somehow had memorised a route to a nearby town called 'Fall's End', cheerful name. I'd never been here before but some people were taken hostage, I shot the people who had attacked us and freed the town, I didn't know what I was doing, at any second, they could turn on me, but they didn't. Instead I was offered a place in the church, I talked some of the people there, they said they wanted to reach the gates of Eden but were too weak, it was sad that reaching a killer cult was their last wish. I left and the rest of us set up a large camp in the woods, it was pretty hidden but we can only hope it's good enough. Suddenly there were screams coming from the town "THE REAPING HAS BEGUN" Newt held me back as I saw innocents being snatched and forced into trucks, I saw a man with a book in his hand touching their heads as they got in.

Was this really my big brother? He really is a weirdo, by far. I'm pretty glad I'm not in the family right now. And I didn't want to end up as one of them. I didn't fight newt too hard because he's crippled and he was saving me from joining the locals in the truck. I watched as he looked around for more people to abduct but there wasn't any in sight so he left. I was filled with rage, how could I let that happen?! If these were supposed to be 'my' people, why couldn't I help them? I stormed back to camp and layed down in my tent and saw something I couldn't bear to see, I saw a dark hallway with chambers of hands reaching out, a sickly smell in the air, screams,I think this was the 'reaping', and it was horrible. I felt as if I were really there, was I? I could hear voices, they were just ordinary people who were in the wrong place at the wrong time. But we can save the ones that are left.

I hadn't realised it then but I fell into a sleep with the sight of the hallway infront of my eyes.

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