Blending in

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The next day

I was awoken by Thomas throwing a bag at me and newt who were cuddled together. "What's going on?" He gestured to the bag "we're blending in, the more we look like hunters, they can track us down but if we look like a local, they won't apprehend us for thinking we're a threat, only reason they would is to make us part of the cult, that's when we take 'em down" i looked at newt "isn't it better we look like a threat? Then they won't push us around?" Thomas gestured to the bag "they'll kill you on sight Hope, we need to lay low until we know what's really going on here, then we can strike" I peaked in the bag and saw a cropped sweater "your kidding?" He shook his head "you gotta look like a teenager, I asked around and that's what they wear...apparently" Newt and I shared a knowing glance "Thomas, who did you ask?" He jerked his thumb back at the road "the woman at the spread eagle. Mary May Fairgrave" I'd briefly spoken to the bartender about her dad's 'Widowmaker' and how she would go for joyrides in it as a kid before the cult came.

As Thomas left, we changed into the clothes "Newt, look at this! I feel like a walking target saying 'come shoot an arrow in my stomach, it won't hurt at all" I braided two plaits in my hair "the point is not to be shot at, and it just makes you more beautiful in the morning light" I turned and saw him in a thin blue shirt with a black one underneath and a chain hanging around his neck "I think we can skip the baby pictures" he glared at me "we look like thugs" I was mentally taking pictures, he looked so cute and ordinary out of his glade clothes. I smiled as he wrapped an arm around me "you look like the queen of the gang world" I giggled and blushed, back in the glade, we were trying so hard to survive that we never had time to work on complements or flirting techniques so this was the first time we've ever had a full on flirt off.

Suddenly Peaches pushed Newt and I over and we landed on the bed laughing "we have a shipper, what would our name be? Note? Newpe? Nope? Hewt?" He buried his face in my chest laughing "your impossible when your free" Thomas shot into our tent "do not reply to that! I don't want to hear you two having sex" i hid myself in Newt's shoulder "I should probably get going" I climbed out from underneath him smiling "the world won't save itself" I grabbed my bow and arrows "c'mon peaches, we're heading out" I walked the town streets and decided to head for the church, there was some stuff I needed to get off my chest. I kneeled on the floor and placed my weapon in front in me then closed my eyes praying, hoping that we would make it out of this alive "it's normally the older folks that pray in here, but god's house is open to people of all ages" I opened my eyes to see the Pastor smiling at me "do you take confessions?"

 I kneeled on the floor and placed my weapon in front in me then closed my eyes praying, hoping that we would make it out of this alive "it's normally the older folks that pray in here, but god's house is open to people of all ages" I opened my ey...

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He kneeled in front of me taking my hands in his own "it's my job to listen" I looked down at our hands "The first thing I remember is coming up in the box in the glade with all this food, these things, but as an adult. I have no recollection or memories before that. All I could remember was how to shoot a bow, heal people and climb things. After a while my own name came back to me, and now I know it's what's getting all these innocent people killed. 'Hope Seed'. I don't even know how I got away or how this all started. Everyone calls me 'Owl' because I remembered all the things I did, and now, and now I'm just pretending I don't know myself hoping my folks don't get caught and sell me out" he put a hand on my shoulder "the lord will not pass judgment on those who are not guilty of their own fate" I kept my gaze on the floor "doesn't mean the guilt doesn't eat away at me though" he patted me gently then walked out.

I glanced at peaches "this stays between me and you girl" I got up and strolled to the spread eagle. I saw Newt drinking something and personally, I didn't want to know what. This town had something called 'Testy Festy' which involve do eating a cow's junk. I wouldn't be surprised if he was drinking bottled dog piss or something equally as revolting but I guessed it was just a beer which was still suprising but at least it didn't put me off kissing him. I slid onto the stool next to him "you okay?" I leaned my head on his shoulder and he put an arm around my waist "I confessed to the pastor, about everything. I know it's a stupid and dumb thing to do but I had to, everything was slowly killing me" he gently kissed my head "nothing you ever do is stupid to me, I just wish you would've told me you were drowning in pressure before it got too much. Under other circumstances, yes you would've been called a twat among other things but that doesn't make it stupid" I watched as he slid his bottle my way "what is it?" I lazily and lifted my head upright and examined the bottle "Ale, or at least that's what I asked for" I chuckled and dipped the drink "who knew Newt spent his spare time drinking in a bar?"

The drink tasted awful and burned at the back of my throat "I think I'll stick to water" I gave him back his drink then looked up and saw Mary May strolling over and leaning over the bar towards me "so...who were you before you were 'Owl'? Before the glade?" I shrugged "don't know, can't remember" I closed my eyes for a short while until I felt Newt nudging me and I knew he wouldn't drop it until he got my attention fully. I opened my eyes and glanced at that he was looking at, it was a karaoke night poster which just so happened to be tonight. Casey must've seen us looking at it "We haven't had one of those since the cult shut us down. Either two of you lovebirds sing?" I shook my head but Newt kept pointing to me "shy are we?" I went red and looked down as someone's hands started shaking my shoulders excitedly "Owl doesn't sing often but she's got a beautiful voice, don't ya girl?" I hid my face in my hands from embarrassment. When I looked up, Mary May was smiling at me "Wanna kick off an old tradition?" I looked at my fellow gladers which were now whooping and cheering me on, and turned my back to the bar taking a deep breath and closed my eyes letting go my voice filled the air.

"I'm tryin' to hold my breath" I opened my eyes and smiled "Let it stay this way, Can't let this moment end" I stood and took a step and held my arms closed to me not yet feeling brave enough to let it all out and express myself "You set off a dream in me" I glanced at Newt who was watching me "Gettin' louder now, Can you hear it echoing?" I spread my arms a little setting myself mentally free "Take my hand, Will you share this with me?" I opened my hands and ran one through my braids then pulling one over my shoulder and fiddling with the end.

" 'Cause darling without you" I grinned at Newt and Thomas as they knew the next part "All the shine of a thousand spotlights, All the stars we steal from the night sky" I took a deep breath and sprung back around throwing my arms out "Will never be enough, Never be enough" I turned on my heels again gazing around at the eyes which were all set on me "Towers of gold are still too little,These hands could hold the world but it'll Never be enough, Never be enough" I went louder as it went on, I felt slightly guilty for the people trying to sleep but I was enjoying myself and I think I wasn't the only one "For me, Never, never. Never, never. Never, for me, For me" I tapped my heel on the floor and a hand on my chest where my heart was "Never enough, Never enough , Never enough, For me " I got ready to let it all go "For me, For me" I tilted my head up and put my arms out as if I was about to hug someone.

"All the shine of a thousand spotlights, All the stars we steal from the night sky,Will never be enough, Never be enough." I slammed my hands down on the bar smiling and letting out my dramatic musical flare "Towers of gold are still too little, These hands could hold the world but it'll Never be enough,Never be enough, For me" I leaned my back against the bar resting on my elbows and facing towards the door "Never, never. Never, never. Never, for me. For me" I rolled my head back onto my shoulders and stared at the ceiling "Never enough, Never, never, Never enough" I slowed down slowly and softened my pitch "Never, never, Never enough, For me, For me, For me." I turned my head back to normal level and smiled "For me" suddenly the whole place erupted in cheers and clapping, I didn't think I was that good. I hid my face in Newt's chest as he stood up. After a while we left laughing and went back to camp, I was that I tried to kick off the night, it felt good to have a weight life off my chest.

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