Chapter 13

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"I have to pick up some supplies. Would you like to join me?" Jeanie looked to Mason as if she were asking permission to which he nodded calmly.

"It's not like you can get into much trouble with your leg barely working." Mason chimed as he offered his hand to help Jeanie out of the bed. Jeanie scoffed as she took his hand. Jeanie planted both feet firmly on the ground and pushed off the bed. She wobbled a bit. Winry giggled a bit.

"It takes some getting used to. Don't worry. Your leg will be done before you're even used to it." Winry said.

"I dunno. I'm a quick learner." Jeanie said smirking. Winry looked to Mason who was nodding like it was a sad truth. "Where do you have to go anyway?" Jeanie asked taking normal steps.

"Well, I have to get some mechanical parts for the shop. I'll be going to a few shops," said Winry. Jeanie nodded excitedly, completely forgetting that Greed is nearby. The two girls left and began walking around town.

"How long have you known Paninya?" Jeanie asked Winry curiously.

"I think a year. She stole my friend's pocket watch and the next thing I know is that I'm helping to deliver a baby." Jeanie's eyes widened.

"That was you?!" Jeanie yelled, "Paninya told me all about that and how grateful she is to you that you helped deliver Dominic's grandson!" Winry felt her face turn red.

"Oh um it was nothing. My parents were doctors so I spent most of my time reading medical books." Winry said trying to brush it off, "How long have you known Paninya?" Winry asked in return.

"Ever since I was a child. She and I were in the same accident that killed our parents. We both lost a leg. Dominic found us and took us in. However, he couldn't take care of us both. My mom, Izumi Curtis, took me in with poppa. I love them both dearly." Jeanie said as she smiled thinking about her parents.

"Your mom is Izumi Curtis?!" Winry yelled. Jeanie nodded nervously.

"She's my friend's teacher. She taught them alchemy before they joined the military." Winry said excitedly.

"She taught me alchemy too. I'm a water alchemist." Jeanie said showing the transmutation circles on her hands. Winry's eyes widened.

"Did you do that?" Winry asked and she lightly ran her fingers over Jeanie's hands. Jeanie nodded remembering Greed and that iron alchemist.

"He's closer..." Her mind spoke. Jeanie began hastily looking around for Greed.

"Jeanie, are you alright?" Winry asked. Jeanie continued looking around for Greed. She spotted him walking in the street combing the crowd for her. Winry turned around to see a familiar face. "Is that Greedling?" Winry asked before throwing her hand in the air, "Hey Greedling!" Jeanie took off the moment Winry started yelling. Greed saw Winry waving and squinted his eyes.

"Do we know her?" Greed asked as he walked towards her.

"It's Ed's friend. That automail mechanic." Ling responded.

"What's her name?" Greed asked.

"It's Winry," Ling answered. Winry cheerfully ran up to Greed.

"Hi, Greed. Long-time no see," she said.

"How are ya, kid?" Greed responded.

"I'm good. I was out shopping with a friend of mine but I don't know where she went." Winry said.

"Well, if that's the case, maybe you could help me. I'm looking for someone too." Greed said. Jeanie was hiding in an alley. She could see Winry talking with Greed as if they were buddies. She could hear a few words of what they were saying.

"What the hell? Do they know each other?" Jeanie thought hastily to herself.

"What's she look like? Maybe I could send her your way if I come across her." Winry offered.

"Let's see. She's kinda short. Super short hair. She has transmutation circles on the palms of her hand," Greed explains. Winry's eyes lit up.

"Is her name Jeanie?!" Winry asked. Greed looked at Winry perplexed.

"Yeah. How'd ya know?" Greed asked curiously.

"She's the friend I was with. Her automail leg was bothering her so she came to the shop where I'm working. I gave her a spare, so it's not like she could've gotten very far very fast." Winry explained.

"She sold me out!!" Jeanie thought frantically to herself, "I'm going back to the shop. Hopefully, Dominic will be back." Jeanie was able to walk on her temporary leg. However, she couldn't run. Jeanie exited the alley and tried subtly walking past the two.

"There you are!" Winry yelled.

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