Chapter 6

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“‘Bout time you woke up,” Greed said impatiently, “I want to finish our conversation.”

“You-you were following me through the halls….” Jeanie stuttered. Greed’s eyes lit up for a second.

“She never turned around to look at me. She knew I was watching.” Greed thought to himself as he approached Jeanie. Jeanie slowly backed away. She quickly found her back against a wall.

“I could kill him right now.” Jeanie thought to herself as she stealthily activated the transmutation circle behind her back.

“What’s your name?” Greed asked. His question surprised Jeanie. She heard no malice in his voice. His eyes showed no intention of harm.

“Jeanie,” she said as she deactivated her transmutation circle, “Jeanie Curtis.”

“Do you know what I am?” Greed asked as he studied her features. Jeanie shook her head.

“Let me talk to her!” Ling said excitedly.

“She’ll think we’re nuts!” Greed yelled internally.

“She already does!” Ling yelled in return as he began struggling for control over his body.

“Okay. Fine.” Greed said as he allowed Ling to have his body back for the time being. Jeanie watched as the man’s eyes glowing, red eyes changed to onyx eyes.

“Hello!” Ling said cheerfully. Jeanie could only stare in bewilderment.

“Y-your eyes!” Jeanie marveled. Ling wasn’t sure if she was amazed or fearful. To be frank, Jeanie wasn’t too sure about that either.

“That’s a way to tell us apart. My name is Ling Yao, twelfth son of the emperor, prince of Xing." Ling announced proudly. Jeanie didn't respond.

“Are all Xingese like this?” Jeanie dared to ask. Ling felt a pang of anger hit him. He could hear Greed dying of laughter. Ling could hear all of Greeds gasps, snorts, and cackles from Jeanie’s comment.

“No… No, we’re not,” Ling deadpanned. He sighed remembering Jeanie was in a hospital bed for blood loss and she still might not be in the best headspace. However, he got an odd feeling from Jeanie. One he couldn’t tell was good or bad. “You said your name was Jeanie Curtis right? Any relation to Izumi and Sid Curtis?” Jeanie quickly constructed water shards and aimed them all at Ling. 

“Why do you want to know?” Jeanie asked menacingly. Ling quickly threw his hands in the air. Ling could see Lan Fan from the corner of his eye. Ling kept his hands in the air for the sole purpose of keeping Lan Fan from attacking Jeanie.

“I’ve fought against alongside Izumi. Major Armstrong of the military is a dear friend of Sid.” Ling explained.

“You know Uncle Alex as well?” Jeanie asked perplexed. Ling nodded in response. Jeanie withdrew her water shards. “What is that thing?” Jeanie asked pointing at his body. Ling cocked an eyebrow at Jeanie.

“Thing?” Ling asked confusedly.

“The thing you share your body with,” Jeanie said cautiously. Ling rubbed the back of his head wondering where to start.

“Have you heard of homunculus?” Ling asked in a dark tone. Jeanie nodded.

“I’ve heard of the homunculi,” Jeanie asked recalling Izumi’s tales of fighting against an odd being called father and several other homunculi.

“He’s a homunculus,” Ling said frankly. Jeanie looked to Ling to see his eyes have changed back to red again.

“Yup. I’m a homunculus. Greed’s the name.” Greed said proudly.

“I hope you didn't give yourself that name,” Jeanie said bluntly. Unimpressed with Greed’s cheeky attitude. 

“Hey!” Greed said a bit angrily, “I’m Greed the Avaricious! I want everything! Money, women, sex, power! I want the world in the palm of my hand!”

“That’s a load of crap,” Ling spoke.

“Tell her that and I’ll kill you!” Greed responded making sure not to say any of that out loud.

“Well,” Jeanie began, “I hate to tell ya but I’ll never belong to anyone.” Jeanie started to walk away when Greed grabbed Jeanie by her forearm and slammed her into the wall.

“We’ll just see about that.” Greed said as he held Jeanie’s head up with his thumb and index finger and stared hungrily in her eyes. Blood rose to Jeanie’s cheeks. For a good minute, the two stared at each other. Greed began inching his face closer and closer to Jeanie’s. Jeanie followed Greed in suit. Their lips barely grazing each other.


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